My Love


The smell of wildflowers temporarily overpowered the smell of open wounds, as if trying to purify the air. The wind that carried the innocent scent made the tall grass of the clearing sway and lean almost flat to the ground, as if trying to cover their eyes.

Cassie smiled softly and breathed in the fresh wind before it left the area once more, most likely never to return. She wondered if her sister would have done the same as she.

She tilted her head upwards, gazing at the sky above. She made out patterns and pictures in the clouds, her newly sown in lips stretching to their limit.

It was a simple game that she and her sister had always played.

Small pinches of pain reminded her of how pretty she was now, how beautiful she was, as her smile grew wider and wider. As long as the thread did not break, Cassie could smile as much as she liked.

Cassie felt the wet scalp that she had set upon her bald head as if it were a hat slide backwards, and she chuckled at her foolishness as she readjusted the flap of skin, patting it back down on top of her own with a squelching sound.

Wavy locks of blond hair hung from the scalp, the occasional strand blowing into Cassie's eyes.

Her gentle, grey blue eyes, just the same as her sister's.

Cassie was leaning on her knees, as if about to pray. She no longer stared up at the clouds, but instead examined her legs.

It was such pretty, flawless skin; a pearly, yet warm colour. Blood caked the crooked gaps between the patches of skin, hiding her old skin, the flawed version. Black thread kept the patches in place.

The same went for her stomach, chest, arms, and face.

The only things that were still Cassie's were her eyes, ears, tongue, and nose. Her teeth lay somewhere in the meadow, scattered about the grounds like breadcrumbs.

She remembered how she and her sister had loved to pretend that they were great explorers discovering new lands, leaving trails of berries or petals behind them, so that they could find their way home when their adventures were done.

Cassie sighed, pulled her legs out from underneath her, and flopped on her back. She stretched out her limbs, staining the grass beneath her red.

Cassie wondered what her sister would think if she could see her now, basking in all her glory.

Her glorious, golden, gift from God sister. Always cheerful. Always smiling.

That smile belonged to Cassie now.

Cassie closed her eyes, recognizing the immense pain her stitch work was putting her through as a sign that she was now perfect.

She opened her tired eyes one more time, having one last look at the swirling masses of white above her. She laughed, for no reason in particular. The noise seemed sinful in the absolute silence of the clearing.

The girl sighed, and closed her eyes once more, and did not open them again.