Status: For Katie


Puppy Dog Eyes & Little White Lies

Dean and Sam walked into the police office and showed their badges claiming them to be FBI.

“You’re here about the missing kids right?” The aging cop asked and the brother’s shared a look before nodding.

“Well we got no leads… just a witness.”

“A witness? Who?” Sam asked shocked they didn’t hear about one before.

The older cop sighed.

“Not a good one… a young boy; about 7 but he’s all we got.”

“What’s his address?” Dean asked.
The two brothers knocked on the door holding the 2 women and 2 kids.

Dean knocked and a tall dark skinned woman answered. Sam, the one who usually does the talking was rendered speechless making his brother smirk and talk first.

“Uh ma’am we are FBI Detective Van and this is my partner Detective Halen.”

The women scoffed.

“Yeah right.” She slammed the door in their faces leaving them speechless.

“Well that didn’t go well.

“Shut up, at least I said something; you just gawked at her.” Dean shook back.

The door suddenly opened again revealing a shorter woman with brown hair.

“Um… sorry about my roommate… Can I see your badges please?” They nodded and pulled out their I.D.

She looked at it closely before biting her lip and moving aside from them to come in.

Both men took a quick look around noticing the absence of the other female and turned to the woman who let them in.

“We're here to question a,” Dean looked down at his notes. “Hun’wet Lopez?” The name was odd but he got it right.

“Umm… I don’t know if my roommate will let you speak to him…” The shy woman walked away and they heard the two arguing quietly in the hall.

The two women came back.

“I’m Katie and this is Neche; Bear’s mom.”

“Bear?” Sam questioned.

“Hun’wet.” Neche glared.

She didn’t like cops but she knew these weren’t real cops so she hated them more.

“We’re here to try and find Katie’s brother Joseph-“

“Joe,” Katie cut off unable to stop her smart comment remarks despite the very serious situation.

Dean shot her a look and she looked down with a blush causing Dean to fight off a smirk.

“Uh ma’am may we speak to your son?” Sam asked and Neche eyed him for a moment.

“No,” she answered.

“Nech they’re FBI.” Katie argued nervously.

“Bullshit they are. Their name’s a rock band.”

“Awesome coincidence,” Dean smiled.

“Listen asshole I can smell a pig from a mile away; you learn to when you dealt with them since you were born so why don’t you both cut the crap and tell me who you are or you’re not coming near my son.”

Sam shot his brother a nervous glance. They were both shocked; usually they weren’t found out until way later if they were found out. This girl was smart.

“Okay you got us… We’re…” Dean racked his brain for a lie but all he can think up was porn sites. “Journalist… the cops won’t give us any info and we were hoping to help out by getting a statement from your son.” Neche eyed the male for a moment through narrowed eyes.
The two brother’s sat in the motel room with no evidence bickering.

“Well why didn’t you come up with a better lie?!” Dean shot.

Currently Sam was blaming Dean for Neche kicking them out with them getting no word in to Hun’wet.

The phone rang.

“Hello?” Sam answered.

“Is this Detective Van or Halen?”

“Yes this is Detective Van.” Sam looked at Dean who perked up hearing the fake names.
“So her roommate doesn’t know she’s meeting with us,” Sam explained causing his brother to smirk.

“Going behind her back isn’t that like rule one for the ‘bad roommate handbook’?” Dean joked causing his brother to roll his eyes. “What?” Dean defended.

The girl walked into the coffee shop and looked around; once she spotted the two men she shuffled over with her head hanging. They stood and after greeting each other they sat.

“Thank you for meeting us.” Sam smiled trying to make her feel comfortable.

“No problem,” the girl was on edge; she didn’t want to betray her friend but she needed to get her brother back.

“So tell us everything you know,” Dean ordered and she nodded before licking her lips and jumping into the story.

“Joe and Bear had just been put to bed; Neche and I went to our separate rooms soon after.”

“You two don’t… bunk together?” Dean implied suggestively with a goofy grin.

Katie’s eyes widen and soon glared at him while Sam shot his brother a look. Dean’s grin faded and he cleared his throat awkwardly.

“Anyway as I was saying, we were all in bed when we heard a scream; we both got there around the same time and Bear was curled up in the corner crying. Joe was missing; that’s all I know.”

“Katie we need to talk to Bear,” Dean insisted but Katie started shaking her head in protest.

“Katie,” Sam said softly given her his puppy dog eyes. “Is there any way you could give us just five minutes with him. It’ll help us find your brother.”

“I don’t want Neche to get mad-“

“Is there a time when Neche isn’t home and we could stop by for a second to see Bear?” Katie looked hesitant to agree. “We’ll leave and that’ll be it; she’ll never know.” Dean coaxed.

“Come over; tomorrow at 2 Nech goes to work and I watch Bear until 4 when he goes to his dads. You have a 2 hour window and that’s it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter of a short story.

Yeah Katie I lied and said I’ll give you a one-shot but it’s a short story instead :P I know... I’m awesome.
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-Neche Narcissist