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Nice Girls Finish Last

In every high school movie there's always that one girl. Y'know, the slutty one who's mean to everyone. The one who everyone thinks is stupid and won't get passed college. The one that everyone ASSUMES is just mean to everyone because she has nothing better to do.

That's me.

I was the one who made fun of the nerds. The one who stole your boyfriend and split you relationship. The one who wears all those short skirts and low cut tops.

...But people only see what's on the surface. What if I told you the only reason that girl made fun of others was because her mother did the same thing to her? What if I told you the only reason that girl stole your boyfriend was because her brother kept telling her she'd never get one herself? What if I told you that girl only dressed that way because no one at home even batted an eyelash at her?

Yeah, those nice girls banded together and got me kicked out of high school. Now I'm off to a new school, in a new home... With my dad. I want things to be different this time... But there are some people at my new school who've known me from the past...

What if I can never escape that mean girl image?
  1. Prologue
    Introduction to our character... The mean girl
  2. Chapter 1