Status: Active, may take a while to update without comments + subscribers! Plus I have lots of other stories to write!xx



'Baby.' someone said. 'it's time for you to wake up, Sophie's cooked us some food.' 
'No thanks, I'm not hungry.' I said rolling over, attempting to pull the covers with me. 
'I bet you are really. Baby please come down, I haven't seen you near enough all day, and I've missed you.' 
'tough.' I replied, let's just say I'm not in a great mood if you ever wake me up. 
'fine, I'm going.' Justin said. 'sleep tight baby.' and he kissed me on the cheek before quietly closing the door behind him. 
I quickly text him saying - I don't deserve you at all XXXXXXXX
And then closed my eyes once again, and fell back asleep.

I was starving when I woke up at gone two in the morning. Justin was asleep next to me, his arm placed onto my stomach. I had sneak down to get some food, I wasn't going to stay awake for hours waiting for myself to stop feeling so hungry. It wouldn't be so bad if I had a healthy tv dinner and watching the televison for a bit, I had been asleep since gone five yesterday afternoon. I pulled the blanket back and then slowly moved Justin's hand from off my stomach and placed it onto the bed. I snuck downstairs, and went straight to the freezer where the food was, microwaved it then settled down to watch some tv. I'd flicked through a lot of channels before I saw a picture of me and Justin together on screen.
'Justin Bieber and Lauren are having a holiday in Australia next week. They are also said to be staying there until they find themselves a home, however what is going to happen with their relationship? Justin and Lauren have been dating over three months now, and this relationships seems to be a bit boring. Will Justin find himself an Australian girl and leave Lauren hanging? Who knows, we'll keep you updated. Good night.'

I was insulted. How dare somebody comment on mine and Justin's relationship?
Although I hated near enough every word that came out that woman's mouth it got me thinking...
Could Justin change?
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter posted on my iPod.

LaurenBieber2010 xxxx