Status: Updated Mondays

Home Sweet Home

Chapter 1: The House

Frank Adams drove his station wagon up the driveway and smiled as his precious kids cheered in happiness as they saw their new home. The driveway looped around the whole house and was made out of gravel not cement. Flower bushes rested against the house full and beautiful. Not one dead flower. The house was a pale yellow color and it had so many windows that the sun shown through perfectly and you could see the empty rooms inside. A small white shed sat just outside the driveway line looking sad and alone.

"Dad are you serious?!" Millie asked in amazement as she stared out the window. She was so excited to have her own room where she can paint her walls her favorite color, bubblegum pink. She planned on having her bed full with stuffed animals and the only way she could sleep was under them.

"Yes I'm serious Mill." Frank answered his middle daughter and added a fatherly smile.He parked the station wagon and smiled over at his lovely blonde haired wife. She had wanted this house so bad that he didn't have the heart to tell her 'no'.

"Lets go see." Mary said as she smiled her pearly whites and she knew her bright blue eyes were shining in excitement. She opened her door, got out, and smiled at the sound of her heels connecting with the gravel. Once she shut the door Sally pulled on her hand towards the house.

"Come on Mawey!" Sally smiled as she tried pulling Mary to the house. Her 4 year old body had little strength but Mary played along. Millie started chasing a bird which instantly caught Sally's attention. She let go and played along with her sister.

Ashleigh stood outside the car looking up at the top story window. She though she saw something there but she instantly pushed it to the back of her mind. As she walked her heels clicked and her sleeves blew in the wind. The house was beautiful and the pond next to the shed added to it's great appeal.

The whole family had a good feeling about this house, but something settled uneasily in Ashleighs mind but she wasn't sure what. She walked inside following her family through the large wooden doors after they entered the large sun room.

They first walked into the hallway and instantly gasped at the huge staircase in the middle. Its dark wooden railings stood out against the light colored steps. It went straight up and you could see a hallway above and it looked like a balcony. There were 4 different doors that must lead to the bedrooms. None of the doors in the house were the same style. The same color maybe but not the same style.

There was wooden flooring and light blue walls around them. When you entered the living room you could see a fireplace made of stone, not brick, but light and dark colored stones. There was an iron gate in front of the fireplace and fire pokers on the side in a strange tube. There was brown carpeting except around the fireplace and that had wooden flooring. The walls had a wallpaper on it that made Mary smile. The base was cream and the pattern was small little flowers placed perfectly.

There was no furniture in the house yet so it looked bare and alone. All there was on the walls was one single clock that stayed at 7:15 pm. As they walked to the kitchen next Ashleigh smiled really big and ran her hand over the smooth bright orange counter top. The huge white sink sat under the window, the smallish window looked out into the backyard where there was a swing set and a slide. There was of course a fridge and stove along one wall. Cabinets rested above and below the counters and they were painted pale yellow.

The bathrooms looked the same as any other bathroom. Nothing special to them whatsoever. The last room to be seen on this floor was the study that Frank decided as his work office. The walls were wood paneling and the carpet was brown like the living room. A faint smell of roses lingered in the study causing memories to flood through Ashleighs mind.

"Ash lets go see your room." Frank said to his daughter after a few times trying to get her attention. His daughter nodded and followed him upstairs. Mary was already showing sally and MIllie their bedrooms. Frank opened the big wooden door and smiled. Ashleigh walked into her room which was the perfect size. Not to big and not too small.

The walls were a lavender color and her carpet was white. The ceiling peeked at the top and a single window was placed on the walls and if you looked out of it you could see the lake about a block away. There was a small closet in the corner of the room but it was big enough that Ashleigh could easily fit into it.

"Like it?" Frank asked.

Ashleigh smiled and hugged her father. "I love it."


It's the summer of 1975 and we now live in Bedford, Maine. The Adams left their friends and some family behind in Michigan, to move here and have a new start. Luckily Sally, Millie, and Ashleighs mother was burred in the cemetery on the outskirts of Bedford, so the girls were able to go visit the grave.

The Adams are a normal sort of family. A wife, a husband, and three children. There are a few things you as a reader need to know about each member of the family.

Frank: He's a lawyer at a law firm originality in Michigan but was then transferred over to Maine. He's 33 and is the only child his parents have. His last wife died when Ashleigh was 12 so the younger two don't remember her much. His wife's name was Amanda-Jean. He loved her very much and through this story you must understand that his feelings for hers will not change but his feelings for Mary will.

Mary: Shes a security clerk at the relastates office. She has sold many houses but prefers to work in an office. She's 26 and has 2 brothers and 1 sister. Her father and mother are both deceased. She cannot have children due to a medical problem that she inherited from her mother. None of her siblings caught the problem. She loves the three girls with all her heart and she believes Frank is her soul-mate.

Ashleigh: She's a sophomore in high-school. She wants to own a green house one day because her and her mother used to always plant gardens and buy flowers so its special to her to live on the memories. She's 15 and has her whole life in-front of her and she's not letting anyone in her way. She's very smart and she is a sweet and quiet girl until you get to know her.

Millie: She is just starting first grade and she is very excited. She's in love with stuffed animals so she wants to own a toy shop and give away toys to all the kids ho cant afford toys. she's always smiling and she cannot hurt a fly.

Sara: She is 4 and she stays at home with her dad unless he is gone then Mary will take the day off to take care of her. She loves animals and claims Rufus as her dog but it's really Marys. Shes fiesty even though shes 4.

So there you go. You'll learn more on the way of course but those things i just wanted to put out there.
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I thought for this chapter to do a everyone's point of view. Like taking turns. I'll do it again of course but its mostly going to be in Ashleighs P.O.V.

I hope this chapter really gave you a good feel of the house.This chapter was mostly about introducing things.So i definalty had to go into detail about the house. Since it is the most important thing in this story.:)

So its a new story (duh) so i need feedback! Please!:D messag? Comment? Suscribe?

<3 Meg