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Whittle Myself Into Something



A rare wind blew through Tempe, whisking my light brown hair into my face, the curls of its mess getting caught in my mouth as I sucked in the warm air. He stood behind me, his strong arms wrapped delicately around my waist, his breath warm against my bare shoulder. The sun was barely setting against a horizon of bubble gum pink and a faded lavender, blending together like cat vomit against the sky.

I had spent the summer in Tempe, where my aunt had so graciously allowed me to stay while my mother went backpacking in Europe with her newest boyfriend, Robert. Just another excuse for her to dump me somewhere while she had the time of her life, fourteen years too late. I was her mistake, her perfectly planned mistake that she no longer wanted. And I was stuck with the unloving woman while my father, so desperate for me, spent his time saving those deemed guilty.

"Where will you be when summer comes to an end? Are you going to go back to Florida to be with your mom, or to LA with your dad?" he asked, his voice laced with words he would never say. Would I skip it all and stay with him? I desperately wanted to say that, yes, I would stay with him, but things were coming to an end, just like this summer. So I did what I did best. I lied.

And that ruined me.



Wind whisked my face as I walked down the familiar street. My mind set on my best friends house - ready to tell him the secret I had been keeping from him for six months now. I was finally going to tell him how much I liked him; how in love with him I was.

Nerves and excitement filled me as I knocked on their front door, knowing fair well that Deirdre and Jeremy would be home. After about four minutes of knocking, I took out the spare key I owned and opened the door with it.

My mind went blank as I saw that there was no furniture in the house, nor was there the usual sound of their dog, Pickle, barking. “Hello,” I called into the air, hoping for an answer I knew I probably wouldn’t receive.

How could they be gone? I had only been on vacation for three weeks in Cancun; and I had kept in contact with my best friend by calling him and texting him. With that thought, I immediately took out my phone and called his number on speed dial – only to find that his phone had been disconnected.

My next thought was to call his mom and my friend, Dierdre. My hopes fell as I realized her phone had also been disconnected. Fear filled me as I realized Jeremy had hardly any friends with the bullying he received in middle school. He didn't even give high school a chance because of it, so how was I going to contact him?

Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I realized that he was nowhere to be found and I had no way to contact him. Through my tears, I could see a piece of yellow paper on the counter, and I rushed to get it, only to find a few words placed on it – addressed to me. “Erin, I’m so sorry; everything will be fine and I will explain it all soon. I love you, Jeremy.”

The problem was? He never did.
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Hello :). I'm Melissa and I will be writing the part of Erin ! Just so you know; the first part of this is from Becks point of view; the second part is from Erin's - sorry if that was confusing! We have tons planned for this and are both really excited :) - please comment and subscribe!