Status: Inactive at the moment

Remember Me

Where do we go from here?

It had been a couple of months since Harry, Ron, and Hermione had disappeared from Fleur's wedding. Fred was lying in his bed when Liz stormed in and plopped down next to him. She smelled like dirt and mud and her face was streaked with dirt.

"Mom have you doing more chores?" Fred asked and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Unfortunately. What about you? Surely you have chores to be done," she sighed and snuggled closer to Fred.

"I told George if he did my chores I'd be the test subject on our projects for two weeks," Fred smirked.

"Stupid git," she yawned.

"Go to sleep, I'll wake you when dinner's ready," he promised and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks," she mumbled and once she closed her eyes she was out. Her soft snores made Fred tired too. He yawned and snuggled closer to her, letting himself slip into his dreams.

George's P.O.V-

George wiped his sweaty brow as he finished the last of his and Fred's chores. He walked inside and kicked off his shoes. He tromped upstairs and opened his door slowly, knowing Fred was up there. He walked in and looked at Fred's bed. Fred was asleep, his arm wrapped around Liz who was quietly sleeping beside him. George frowned and stalked downstairs. He plopped on the couch and glared at the fireplace. Green flames shot up and out stumbled Remus Lupin.

"Oh, hello George," he smiled. He frowned when he saw George's sullen expression.

"What's wrong?" He asked dusting ash off his robes and sitting next to George.

"Liz and Fred," he snapped. Lupin looked confused and then a look of realization crossed his face.

"She and Fred?" He asked slowly.

"Yes," George spat.

"Why does that make you angry?" Lupin asked. George rolled his eyes and glared at the bottom step of the staircase.

"Because I love her, and I was the first to show her my feelings. Then she had to fall head over heels in love with Cedric. Then Fred had to be the one she had to rescue for the second task. Fred had to be the one to comfort and come out with his feelings for her. And Fred had to be the one to have sex with her!" George sprang up and punched the wall, a small hole where his fist landed. Lupin sat there, listening intently. He waved his wand and the hole fixed itself. He heard someone move upstairs and by the sound of it, it was Liz. Being a werewolf had its advantages. He heard her shuffle to the top of the staircase and hesitate, almost listening.

"George, just because she chooses to be with Fred now doesn't mean she doesn't love you," he said softly.

"If she loved me she would be with me right now," George snarled.

"How do you think she feels about this? She's probably tearing her hair out trying to make sure she doesn't hurt either of you." Lupin heard a noise of approval from Liz and he smiled slightly.

"You may be right. I just need to take a walk." George left and Liz came walking down the stairs.

"That was something," Liz sighed.

"He just doesn't understand what loving two people at the same time does to you," he smiled.

"Um, Remus, can I ask you something?" Liz asked nervously twirling her wand in her hand.

"What is it?" Lupin asked.

"Since I am officially of age, can I join the order?"

Fred's P.O.V-

"You did what!?" Fred yelled.

"I joined the Order, they need all the help they can get," Liz frowned. Why wasn't he happy? She was trying to protect him and everyone they loved.

"You- Know- Who isn't only after Harry, he's after you too, remember? You could get killed," Fred said trying to use a more calming voice.

"I know that. I'd rather die protecting the people I love than having thousands of people die for me," Liz frowned again.

"I won't allow it. I forbid you," he snarled.

"You forbid me?" Liz asked in shock. Fred seemed surprised at what he had just said. He winced as Liz's hands tightened into fists.

"Yes, you are to stay here while we go fight," he said, trying to sound bossy.

"Make me," she snarled and stormed out. Fred sighed and sat on the edge of his bed, the bed sagging under his weight. He put his face in his hands and sighed again. He never should have told Liz what to do. She was independent and old enough to make her own decisions. That was one of the reasons why he loved her. Then why was it when it came to actually battling he wanted her to stay away as far from Hogwarts as possible.
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Sorry I took so long, been really busy. Don't worry, Fred and Liz will make up, eventually. And there will be a lot more George and Liz, and more Liz and Lupin. I wanted to give her a magical father figure, someone to confided in about her parents. Comment, rate and subscribe. No silent readers!