Sequel: Forget Me Not


Confetti in the Air

Despite feeling much better, Madam Pomphry insisted I stay for two days after the incident. I told her repeatedly I was fine but the woman wouldn’t budge. “Trust me dear, it’s much safer this way”

I rolled my eyes; they were protecting me from Harry. No one ever said it but I knew it was true. Snape now treated Harry worse than ever before because of the incident. Even I found this strange, Snape was always protective of his house but this… this kind of emotion had never been seen from him.

Harry was more suspicious of me than ever because of it. Especially after he fell into the pensieve and found out that Snape was defiantly a death eater. He now believes me to be a death eater because of this. “Why else would he care so much about her?” he constantly asks Ron and Hermione who just shrug and continue on their way.

Fred continues to deny it however. Whenever Harry starts to bad mouth me when he’s around he quickly and expertly cuts the talk short by simply saying “you’re wrong mate” he never wavers in these discussions, like Ron and Hermione do. I found it amazing that even though the spell I cast was absolute he was still as loyal as ever.

On my last day in the hospitable wing the cruelest thing happened. I was gathering my things, books, scrolls, a few items of clothing I had, when the door burst open. Snape walked in with Draco on his heels. I raised an eyebrow and turned to face him.

“This’ll be good” I snorted sitting down on my bed and tilting my head to the side. “To what do I own the pleasure, professor?”

“Just where do you get the sarcasm from Miss Raven?” he asked un-amused, “your mother or your father?”

“My mom wouldn’t know funny if it slapped her in the face” I rolled my eyes. “And my father ran out on me when I was just a little girl, so I wouldn’t really know” this seemed to unnerve him.

“Enough!” he growled, “do not bad mouth your parents Miss Raven, they gave you life”

“A life of torment is what they gave me, Professor” I challenged him. “I’ve been through things that would make even you run from in fear”

“No Miss. Raven” he laughed once, humorlessly. “No you really haven’t. But enough of this small talk, Mr. Malfoy here is going to be escorting you to and from Class from now on. We don’t want Potter having another go at you”

“Harry isn’t going to hurt me” I rolled my eyes. “It was miscommunication”

“Did he or did he not use a spell on you that almost killed you?” Snape asked.

“Yeah- but”

“Then it is settled” he silenced me with a wave of his hand. “This is how it will be, and you will have to live with it”

I rolled my eyes. Standing up and grabbing my duffel bag I carried it over my shoulder and started walking away, “Talk about no sense of humor” I stated as I walked out the door, Draco only barely keeping up.

“For a wounded girl you sure are fast” he said grabbing my arm to try and slow me down. I turned around, dropping my bag as I punched him in the jaw causing him to fall to the floor.

“Do not touch me” I said kneeling down so we were at eye level. “Make no mistake of this Draco, I am on Harry’s side in this little war you have with him. And the only reason I don’t hex you right now, is because I’m better than you”

“Oh yeah, how?” he growled spitting blood onto the floor.

“You would have hexed me if I didn’t have your wand” I smiled, twirling it in front of his face. “I pulled it out of your pocket while you fell”

“Bitch” he growled trying to grab it but I smirked and snapped my fingers so that his wand was gone and only a hand full of confetti remained.

“Now Draco,” I smirked dropping the paper onto his head. “Did you really think it would be that easy?”

“Give it” he glared, his icy grey eyes pouring into mine. “Now”

“Why would I ever do that?” I asked.

“My father-“

“Oh no!” I fake squealed, “not your father! What ever will I do, when Daddy hears about this?” I mocked him with a subtle smirk. “Face it Draco, you are nothing without your father and he doesn’t even like you very much” his face grew enraged.

“You bitch”

“What?” I asked with fake concern, “does the truth hurt?”

“I swear I will destroy you” he growled.

“No you won’t” I said tossing his wand back at him and standing up. “Because your father can’t do anything to hurt me” I grabbed my bag and started down the hall.

He cast a hex but I didn’t even flinch as it bounced off my bag. “Shielding charm” I said turning back towards him. “In case I came across a cowardly little weasel on my way back to the commons”

I turned the corner quickly and then began my run. I ran, as fast as I could, to the library where I disappeared into the Muggle fiction section. Once I was there I paused. I dropped my bag and fell to my knees not having the strength to pretend anymore. Why of all the people Snape could have chosen did it have to be Draco? Why did he have to choose that reminder of a past life where I was happy even if it was only for a moment?

I buried my head in my hands and leaned back against the bookshelf against the wall. The tears came slowly, but freely as I silently cried for my lost life. The life where my friends were there and loyal. They always had my back; even Draco at the end was as dear to me as Ron or Hermione.

“Oh it’s you” I hear someone say as I looked up to see Hermione standing at the end of the isle. “I’ll just be on my way”

“No!” I said sitting up straight. “No please, don’t mind me”

She nodded hesitantly and proceeded to glance over the shelves for a book. I wiped by tears on my jean jacket and rested my head back against the wooden shelves. She looked over the books but glanced back at me every now and then.

“Can I ask you something?” she asked me suddenly and I looked up at her.

“You can” I said, “but I don’t know if I have an answer”

She laughed once before her face turned serious, “what were you saying when Harry hexed you?”

I smiled slightly, “that I was trying to avoid you guys” I told her. “Every day I go to class and see the three of you. You glare at me because I’m a slytherin and… it hurts. I don’t like being hated for something I asked to be different”

“You asked not to be in slytherin?” she frowned.

“I did” I said looking up at her. “Just like harry did”

“How did you-“

“I know a lot” I cut her off by looking away. “Whispers, they get around”

“Why were you put into Slytherin?” she asked.

I smirked and stood up so I was looking her in the eyes, “why were you put in Gryffindor?”

She Paused, lost for words.

“See?” I asked grabbing my bag, “see how hard it is to answer a question with no answer? I don’t know why I was put in Slytherin Miss Granger. If I did… everything would be different” and then I walked away.
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so this part of Emily's story is about to wrap things up. im makeing her last few years at hogwarts into seperate stories because there is just too much for it all to be one. i've finished writing it an the last few chapters will be posted in the new few days. look forward to that :)