Sequel: Forget Me Not


Letter to an Old Friend

In the days that fallowed I tried my best not to talk to harry, both in our bond and in person. In person he felt too much guilt towards me. And threw our bond I feared the questions he may ask. I talked to Hermione though, and it was almost like before my spell. However, sometimes I would forget about the spell all together and would say something she didn’t understand. When she questioned it, I would just always shake my head and smile saying it was something I use to say to an old friend, long gone.

Fred was also around a lot. He and George had taken it upon themselves to try and cheer me up after what Cedric’s dad had said to me. I appreciated it. They were as amusing as ever and the distraction was helpful. But I knew I couldn’t avoid harry forever… at least in one way I had to face him.

I stole away from the library where Hermione and I had been reading and ducked into the first empty classroom I found. I walked up to the window and sighed, sitting on the ledge. “Deep breath,” I whispered, “he’s only a boy… who’s your soulmate…ugh” I rolled my eyes and got myself
comfortable against the cool glass before allowing my eyes to close.
Harry was in his room. He was going through old photos of him as a baby with his parents. He flipped through the pages until he got to the more recent ones of him, Ron, and Hermione. He looked at the photos a smiled at the memories. I sighed, I could see the spaces in the photos where I should have been standing but wasn’t because of my spell.

“Hello?” he asked looking around, startled by something. “is anyone there?”

There was no answer and she shook his head, frowning and that of course, is when I spoke up. “hello Harry.” He jumped looking around with wide panicked eyes.

“Hello?” he whispered, “who’s there?”

“it’s me” I said chuckling, “the voice inside your head. You remember what he said… your soulmate”

“who are you?” he asked, his voice shaking. “what is going on?”

“Harry,” I said softly, “there’s no need to be afraid, god knows I was when I first found out. I was the soulmate of the boy who lived, talk about heartache and pressure”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he hissed. “there is no such things as soulmates”

“you know… I never believe in them either” I said with a small smile. “I never believed in such a thing, people just fell in love and that was that but then… the strangest thing happened”


“I found you”

“what do you mean?”

“everyone has a soulmate Harry” I said. “but few take the time to stop and LOOK at what is right in front of them. Soulmates can, and often are, the best friend you never thought about or maybe the shy cutie you never noticed”

“but I don’t know who you are” he said. “how can we be soulmates if I don’t know who you are”

“we’ve spoken on occasion” I smirked.

“that doesn’t tell me anything”

“I know” I shook my head. “it wasn’t supposed to”

“so I’m just never going to find out?” he asked getting annoyed.

“no you will one day” I reasoned, “when you stop to look, you will see the bond just as I did.”

“why haven’t I heard from you since that day?” he asked. “you’ve been quiet.”

I paused a moment, “you needed time Harry. Voldemort is back, Cedric died, and the girl you thought was a death eater is just a girl. I knew you’re head wasn’t a good place and my presence wouldn’t help any”

“I guess my head is kind of a war zone right now” he said with a hard laugh.

“in a way, I guess” I shrugged. “I have to go now Harry, they’re looking for me”


“my friends, I ducked into a classroom to talk to you quickly but our time has run out”

“when will I… hear you again?”

I smiled, “I'm you’re soulmate, I’ll be here whenever you need me” and then I opened my eyes and walked out into the hall where Ron and Hermione were walking.

“Emily!” Hermione gasped running up to me. “I was worried! Don’t just disappear like that again”

“Sorry” I shrugged. “needed to write a letter”

“who to?” Ron asked.

I smiled and turned to start walking, “an old friend.”