Status: Complete :)

A War in Your Bedroom, Baby


They arrived at Kelsey's house a little after two in the afternoon. Kelsey pulled Jack inside and led him to her room. She dashed to her closet and pulled at a floral corset, matching shoes and torn up skinny jeans. She undressed in the bathroom quickly and found Jack on his phone.
"Yeah. I'll be there. Uh, I gotta go. Bye." he hung up quickly and found Kelsey eyeing him suspiciously.
"I have to go, something came up. Can we hang out some other time?" Kelsey bit her lip but nodded anyways.
"Thanks. See ya Kelsey." he got up off the bed and headed down the stairs, not even a kiss goodbye. Kelsey sighed and picked her phone back up, her fingers pressing madly against the keyboard.
"Wat?! OMG. Wat an ass. Boo. Do u want me 2 come ova babe?" was the exact response Kelsey thought she'd receive from Molly.
"Yea, if you don't mind?"
"Lol. No babe, anything 4 my numba 1 boo!"
"Haha, feeling a little better w/ that text."
"Gud(: B thr in a few" was the last text Molly sent, leaving Kelsey to sit and wait for her best friend to arrive.


After leaving Kelsey's house and driving to the Inner Harbor, Jack waited outside his car looking for his family. The head on his parents appeared first and Jack strolled over to them. Behind them stood the most awesome person (according to Jack) in the world. May Barakat stood behind their parents, her brown hair flowing in the blowing wind. Her smile reached her eyes when she spotted Jack.
"Jack! Oh my!" she ran over and jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist. Jack cradled his sister in his arms, balancing her weight and burrowing his head in her shoulder.
"Hey sis. How have you been?" his words came out muffled and his sister untangled herself from her brother.
"I've been good Jack-o, I miss you though. How has everything been?"
"It's been good and I missed you too May-May." they hugged once again and were now being towed in the direction of Jack's car by their parents. Jack held open the door for May and his mother, leaving the passengers seat to his dad. They quickly boarded up and drove to their house, idly chatting about May and how her work has been going.

Once they arrived, Jack was the one carrying all the luggage back to its rightful place. The Barakats sat in the living room and talked for what seemed like hours. May helped Joyce cook which left the two men Barakats to set the table and wait for dinner.
"Wow May, I forgot how good of a cook you are. Holy shit, this is really good!" Jack said through a mouthful of chicken kabob and rice. Bassam kicked Jack in the leg, making Jack bounce and wince at the pain that was throbbing in his leg. May giggled and took a sip of the wine her dad brought out.
"Aww Jack-o, you're so sweet!" After everyone enjoyed the meal, the older Barakats bid their 'goodnights' leaving May and Jack in the living room, watching Deal or No Deal.
"Hey May?"
"Hmm Jack-o?"
"Wanna go down to the Inner Harbor?" May sat up and looked at her brother, a huge grin spreading over her face.
"Okay, lets go now!" They quickly got up, shoved their feet back into their shoes and drove off in the night.

They arrived at the Inner Harbor to find it surprisingly not deserted, even though it was nearing Midnight. May jumped on Jack's back and Jack took off in an unsteady run, causing his sister to erupt in fits of giggles. She jumped on the ground and sat on the bench that faced outwards to the water. Jack sat next to her, picking up a rock that was underneath his foot and skimming it across the water.
"I missed you so much Jack." May said after a few minutes had passed.
"I missed you so much too May-May. But what I miss the most is bugging the shit out of you." He nudged her playfully and she poked him back. He placed his arm around her shoulders and brought her closer to him. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she nuzzled her head against his shoulder and Jack kissed the top of her head. The two most important people in the world were what keeps him going. He always had Kelsey and May to thank for that.