If This Is What You Wanted, Then Fire At Will.


(A&N: comments fuel my fire. comment more please?)

**Gerard's POV**

I flopped down on Mikey's couch, breathing in the coffee and smokey scent. "You JUST got home?" Mikey asked from the couch across fom me, cuddled into Alicia. I nodded absent-mindedly and started determinedly picking at my cuticles. "Gerard," The seriousness in his voice caused me to look upat him in surprise. "What poor girl have you been harassing?" He asked, that infamous Way smirk sliding across his face. Alicia snickered into his shoulder and started stretching playfully. Giving him a dirty look, I got up and grabbed the box of ciggies that sat innocently on the coffee table.

Half an hour and four ciggerates later, I felt myself already missing the girl who had mesmerized me completely. I examined my forearm thoughtfully where she had scribbled her phone number in Sharpie. When I had moved foward to write my number on her arm, she had acted as if I had asked her to eat a dead squirrell. Staring into the distance, I saw a person walk towards me. Frank? No it was too tall to be Frank. Wait, who was that behind him? Frankie jogged out from behind the tall guy and sat down next to me. We stayed like this for five peaceful minutes. Then Frankie opened his big mouth.

"HI!!" Frankie blurted out and quickly covered his mouth giddily. "What are you on?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "SKITTLES!!" He screeched happily. I sighed, not at all shocked. He had been doing this everyday, "Fuck Frankie. Couldn't you at least wait until noon. I surprised myself today being up this early." He rolled his green eyes and giggled. "We have early band practice today silly willy fo filly, fe fi fo filly SILLY!!" He sang in a strange voice before galloping off into the house.

**Audie's POV**

Stepping out of the slippery shower, I draped a fluffy white towl around my body and strutted out of the bathroom. "What took you so long?" Taylor scowled, her short black and red hair falling into her blue eyes. I folded my arms, feeling a smug look fall onto my face. "Why do you have to have sex so loud?" I shot back, my eyes shooting daggers. Her cheeks flushed but she stood her ground, still glaring at me. "Is that why you need the bathroom? To extract Jake's sperm out of you mouth?" I continued, saying the same exact thing she had said to me one day, even though I had never had sex before. (Besides the raping thing.) "Exactly." She snapped before darting into the bathroom and slamming the door in my face.