If This Is What You Wanted, Then Fire At Will.


(A&N: Thank you to Cancer-Patient who inspires me to write as much as I do.)

**Gerard's POV**

After a very tired and unenthustiastic band practice, everyone had agreeed to go to a dinner and pig out, mostly on coffee. Mikey had Alicia, Bob had Lottie, and Frank had Jamia. Me and Ray were the only ones who were going girl-less. And I did not want to be Ray's date. Rolling up my sleeve, I stared at the number, daring me to call her. Taking a deep breath, I flipped open my Nokia and dialed the number slowly. After a few rings, she picked up.

"Hello?" She said, her voice slightly muffled over the phone.
"Audie? It's me Gerard."
"Oh. Hi."
"Me and some friends are going out to uh, *glances at clock* luch. Want to come?"
"Um, ok. Villa Apartment playground. Bye."

Then she hung up. Villa Apartment playground? What the fuck was that? Then my brain clicked. Ohhh she wanted to meet at a park. Duh. Shaking my head at my own stupidy, I grabbed the van keys and told the guys to get in the van unless they wanted to get kicked somewhere where it hurt. (A&N: My friend Zach and I were on the school bus and we were fighting over who should go first. I was like, "Zach, if you don't get on the bus, I'm going to kick you where it hurts." He whimpered and covered the area down below. "Leave my family jewels alone bitch!" He mangaged to say before getting in serious trouble for holding up the line. Hah. I thought it was funny. Sorry.)

**Audie's POV**

I hung up the phone quickly, my heart racing wildily. Letting the towl drop to the carpeted floor, I rumaged through my drawers before finding what I was looking for. I pulled out my pair of skinny black jeans that I hadn't wore since the incidet with Will. Struggling to put them on, (after putting on undies!!) I hopped in place, trying with all my strength to slide them up. They finally slid over my hips and fastened perfectly around my tiny waist. "Your lucky you make my butt look so adorable." I told the special jeans. I hastily shoved on a red and black V-neck sweater that clung to my curvy figure. Running my fingers through my chunky hair and dapping some eyeliner under my brown eyes, I was ready. I ran across the park and plopped myself down on the yellow swing, peacefully inching foward and back.

I felt someone's warm hand touch my shoulder and then the tickle of breath on my ear. "Hey." He breathed, obviously Gerard. Instead of turning around, I tilted my head back, letting the thin strips of sunlight heat my face. I smiled at his sweaty hair plastered to his head. Disgusting, but oddly cute. He smelled horrible, like smoke and coffee, sweat and boys. Yet it was strangley comforting. I let him hug me and I clung to him breifly, loosely. "Ready?" He asked, cocking his pale face to the side. I nodded and let him lead the way back to a large van filled with people I was about to meet.