If This Is What You Wanted, Then Fire At Will.

A Boy Brushed In Red

**Audie's POV**

I stiffled a yawn as I skimmed the menu moodily. I glanced over at Gerard and remembered how he had gently woken me up. I don't know why I had even let him touch me. My closest friends barely get to touch me. I shook my head and rubbed my temples, a headache pounding into my thoughts angerily. I shivered slightly as a warm hand lay on my thigh hestiantly. I stared at the hand with a blank look on my face. I turned my head toward Gerard's adorable face. He held his gaze with mine, matching the same unmotionless look that was on my face. He turned away and took his hand back. I felt my muscles relax a little but guilt started to build up and flood my insides. I sighed and wondered why I had to be such a bitch. Fighting the urge to crawl into a ball, I bit my lip and closed my eyes, knowing that that would be the dam to the waterfall of tears that were threatning to spill over.