If This Is What You Wanted, Then Fire At Will.

Act of Depression

**Gerard's POV**

I sat in the van, strangley quiet, brain working over time, thinking of Audie. Was she just sad and lonley? Or did something happen to her? I shook my head. The one thing that I knew was that I was determined to find out and help her. That was my new challenge starting today. Slowly turning my attention back to the group in the car, I relized I wasn't missing much. Frank and Jamia were eating each others faces. Mikey and Alicia were curled up together falling asleep. Bob and Lottie were having a burping contest. Ray was listening to his Ipod. I sighed and shifted over to Ray. Taking a headphone, I was welcomed to Rise Against's Give It All. I watched in fascination as Ray's afro seemed to move in time to the music. I glared out the window, wondering what Audie was doing at the moment.

**Audie's POV**

I shoved things in my bag hastily, my mind racing at the speed of light. How could she do this to me? I'm only here for seven months and I'm already kicked out? Should I go back to Florida? No, I couldn't go back there. Or at least not yet. Grabbing my makeup, I threw it in to the smallest of bags, followed by CDs, a pair of jeans, and my Jack Skeleton slippers. My mind suddenly froze. Jack. Could I bring him where ever I was going? I grabbed my head and dug my fingernails into my skull, trying to rid the feeling of panic that was sweeping me off my feet. Taking deep breaths, I grabbed the bottle and popped the cap open. Taking a handful of traqulizers, I jammed them down my throat and swallowed nosily. There, that should calm me down a little. Reaching out my shaking hand, I groped for my phone. Finding it on the floor, I scrolled down my numbers until I found the one I was looking for. Pressing the green phone, I gulped nervously. "Hello?" A groggy voice said, slightly muffled.
"Colin? It's me. Audie."
"Audie? Audie! AUDIE!!!" Colin screeched happily.
"Sorry I havn't called. Listen, I've been in New Jersey for a couple months now and I just got kicked out of Taylor's apartment. Do you think maybe...."
"I have three extra rooms. I'll be right there."

And with that he hung up. I sighed a breath of relief, only to be soaked up with guilt. I hadn't talked to him in forever and I had just asked him to take me in? What's wrong with me?!?! I bit my lip so hard I tasted my meatillic tasting blood. Colin had always been there for me. I had been there for no one. I let all my friends fall into ditches and watch as they suffer. This is the reason I can never love anyone. Why no one can love me. But then why is Colin still here for me if he knows this?