If This Is What You Wanted, Then Fire At Will.


**Gerard's POV**

I walked down the dull street, completly unaware of my surrondings. I had been brainstorming all day for my new comic series, The Umbrella Acadamy. (sp?) Then the weirdiest thing happened. I walked straight into a small girl, or so I thought. Turns out she walked into me when I really walked into her, but I'll just ket her belive what ever she wants. She had short black and red hair with the biggest pair of sad brown eyes I've ever seen. She had been wearing a pair of faded, ripped jeans and a purple and grey hoodie that I reconized (sp?) from Pete Wentz's line of clothing. After giving her my name, she tried to walk away but I wanted to know her's. And I snuck some of Frankie's skittles and was a little on the hyper/annoying side. She gave me the weirdest look. I had nodded and it was my time to walk away. All day, I thought about her and her sad, brown eyes. All day I wondered what she had to be so sad about. All day, I wondered about her.