If This Is What You Wanted, Then Fire At Will.


**Audie's POV**

My eyes fluttered open and focused on the ceiling and the spider dangling helplessly from it. Instead of freaking out like any normal girl would, I shifted Jack to the side of me and drifted over to the cornor where the spider was. Placing my hand under it, I watched it hover cautiously and then land it's long, elegant legs in the palm of my hand. After watching it crawl around my hand for a few minutes, I concluded it was a Daddy Long Legs. A sudden loud noise from inside my roomate's room caused me to jump,

A loud thumping continued and then the sounds of moaning pleasure. I heard my best friend and roomate Taylor moan out her boyfriend's name. Scrunching up my button nose, I let the spider climb back onto the wall and settle back into it's cornor. Walking into my dreary red room, I cringed slightly as the thumping got increasingly louder. Checking the clock on my nightstand, it read 2:49 am. I had slept all day and into the night.

Sliding out of my Halloween inspired boxers and into my old, ripped jeans, I couldn't help but wonder about the guy I had met earlier today. I was trying so hard to remember his name that my eye actually twitch. After taking out my contacts, I slid on my dorky, black, thick-rimmed glasses. Placing my hand on the door knob, I had an eerie feeling come over me, as if I had forgotten something.