Just Like Heaven

Chapter 1

"I can't do this," I whined, clutching tightly to Brian's hand. He smiled and brought my hand up to his lips, kissing it lightly.

"Kate, It's fine. It's just school. We've been doing it for many years." He replied with nonchalance.

"Yeah, but we were never married before. People know about us." Brian shrugged, as if it wasn't a big deal.

"It's not a big deal." My eyes widened. Brian looked down to me, smirking that smug look. "I know how you think baby."

"Anyway! Brian, you know how I am with criticism. I really don't think I can do this." He stopped us from walking and held onto my shoulders, staring deep into my eyes. His eyes told it all. The confidence and love that shone through with no words needing to be said. Knowing that he was right, I groaned and moved into him. He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me, embracing me tightly. "I hate when you're right." He nodded.

"Lets go get this day over so we can get home." He purred into my ear while rubbing my back sensually. I smiled and nipped at his neck. "Oh ho, don't get me going here. I may not be able to control myself." I laughed while I pushed away from him and ran towards the door. Brian just laughed at me as he followed. I ran into the registration room so I could get my schedule. Standing in front of the desk was the principle, Mr. Davis. His hands were folded over his chest and his eyes squinted into an intimidating glare. I froze where I stood and started to back towards the door. Brian had walked in behind me, seeing the same look that Mr. Davis was giving us. My concerns had flooded back, making my stomach twist in knots. Brian grabbed onto my hand.

"Brian, Kate, we need to have a discussion." Brian nodded as he pulled me towards Mr. Davis' office. I knew exactly what he was going to say to us. We sat down in front of the large, mahogany stained desk. My hand not dared to leave Brian's. "Rumor has it that you two got married over winter break. Is this true?" I nodded lightly. Mr. Davis sighed, ruffling through some papers. "You are 17 years old. Is that even legal?"

"With parental consent." Brian explained calmly. I had no idea how he could be so calm about this. We were already in trouble for being married for 3 weeks!

"Your parents actually consented to your marriage?" Mr. Davis asked in outrage. Brian tightened his grip on my hand.

"Of course. We've known each other since we were born. Our parents have wanted us to marry since we were little." Mr. Davis rolled his eyes obnoxiously. I sat in the chair, my stomach doing intense jumping jacks.

"Well this is the first time we've had to deal with this situation…"

"What situation? We got married. Last time I checked, everyone could get married. Why is ours considered a situation?" Brian intervened. He was obviously more upset about this than I was.

"It's a situation because what will the other students think? An actual married student couple? We can't have that on our reputation!" Brian groaned, sitting back into the chair. I patted Brian's hand and sat up.

"Well, what do you expect us to do about it? We did get married." Mr. Davis nodded.

"In your classes that you have together, We'd like you to sit away from each other. Kate, we ask you to use your real last name." Brian sat up, fire raging in his eyes.

"Haner is her real last name. If she can't use it then we're not going to stay at this school." I quickly slapped Brian hard on his arm.

"He doesn't mean that. Don't worry. I'll use my maiden name." Brian stared at me like I was crazy. I stood up, pulling Brian up with me and pushing him towards the door. "We're going to get to class." Mr. Davis nodded. Brian clenched his teeth together tightly as we walked out of the office. He was fuming. The only time I had seen him this mad was when I almost had my first kiss with Roger Scott in the third grade. Once we were in the hallway, I pushed Brian into the secret alcove where Brian and I would meet between classes. He wouldn't even look at me. "Brian, come on." He glared over at me, annoyed. "Ooh, Well someone isn't in a good mood."

"Kate. You know why I'm mad." I smirked, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"I know and I'm sorry. It's just that we can't not go to school. I can't risk that and you of all people know it." He simply rolled his eyes. "Brian…Don't roll your eyes at me." He chuckled. "Besides, It's not that big of a deal. So we can't sit next to each other. You'll get to play with me later." I cooed, nuzzling into his neck.

"That, I don't care about. What I care about is that they won't let you use my name." I smiled as I twirled his hair around with my finger, a habit of mine. "It's not fair. We're married, you're my wife. I want everyone to know." He was so sweet. I couldn't help but to kiss him.

"Alright newlyweds, honeymoon's over!" Jimmy laughed as he poked his head into our alcove. Brian sighed, pulling my body closer to his.

"Don't you miss that gorgeous beach?" I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"What I miss more is that cabana room…" Brian smirked, kissing my lips lightly. Jimmy rolled his eyes, pulling me out of the hiding spot and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Come on. I'll carry the bride into biology class." I laughed and blew a kiss to Brian.

"I love you baby!" He smiled, catching the kiss.

"I love you too, Mrs. Kate Haner!" I shook my head, but loving the sound of that.