Just Like Heaven

Chapter 2

Biology with Jimmy sure was interesting. Since Brian and I had missed about 2 weeks out of the last semester, we were a little behind. Luckily, I'm considered a genius in sciences. So my first day back, we had to dissect a dead cat. Jimmy had picked me as his partner, since it would guarantee him an A. Even though Jimmy wasn't great at Biology, he was great at dissecting. All I really had to do was sit back and relax. I watched as he prepped the cat for 'surgery' as he called it.

"So, Dr. Sullivan, How has everyone been since Brian and I have been gone?" He shrugged, focusing intensely on the preserved cat. "Have you had band practice?" He nodded. I laughed lightly and pushed the hair out of my eyes. "How's Leana?" He sighed, cutting into the belly of the cat.

"She's fine. Just…I don't know." I leaned forward, intrigued.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright with you guys?" He nodded, his long black bangs falling into his eyes.

"Yeah, we're fine. It's just ever since your wedding, she's been hinting that she wants to get married. I feel like she's pressuring me to propose. I don't want to get married now." I nodded. I could understand what he was going through everyday. I smiled and placed my hand on his.

"Aww Jimmy, I completely understand. If you want, I can go talk to her about it." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Miss. Steele?" Our biology teacher, Mr. Pryor, called. Thing was, I had gotten used to hearing my new name so quickly. I wasn't use to hearing my maiden name. "Miss. Steele!" Jimmy looked up, bumping my arm. I turned towards the teacher and saw he was staring at me. That's when he realized he was talking to me.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Mr. Pryor. I didn't hear you correctly." He arrogantly nodded.

"Well you'll have to pay more attention, Miss. Steele." He spat, putting emphasis on my maiden name. "Have you done the assignment?" I nodded, holding up the check sheet.

"Yes. I'm recording and checking what we found inside our cat."

"His name is rock!" Jimmy happily exclaimed. Every pair of eyes went to him oddly. He smiled, pointing to the cat. "What? It's my favorite type of music and he's as hard as one." Laughter erupted throughout the classroom, bringing the attention of the teacher off me. I smiled as I turned to Jimmy, mouthing a 'thank you'. He nodded and continued to work on the cat for the rest of the class.

The bell finally rung, setting me free from the formaldehyde fumes. I waited around for Jimmy and we walked towards our next class. As we got towards the door, a pair of familiar arms wrapped around my waist. Lips pressed pleasantly on my neck, sending chills down my spine.

"Hi baby." He whispered. I turned around in his arms. "I missed you." I laughed and kissed his nose. "How was your first class?" I groaned, pulling him into our Digital Production class.

"It was terrible! Mr. Pryor though I wasn't paying attention, so he called me to get my attention. But he called me by my maiden name. I'm not used to hearing it anymore. So he got pissed off. Luckily, goofy Jimmy saved me." Brian smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Mr. Haner, Miss. Steele. You aren't sitting where you are supposed to. " Brian and I looked around, not realizing that we had sat down next to each other. "Miss. Steele, Go over and sit by the window." I rolled my eyes. Brian took my hand, kissing it before I walked over to the empty seat by the window. The class started with the same stuff that I had already learned. The sacrifice I make to be with Brian in a class, 2nd year Digital Production.

Halfway through the class, my cell phone buzzed into my thigh. I spazed lightly, pulling it out.

'You're going to help me study for this test, right?' Brian texted. I looked over to see him coyly smiling. I laughed and texted him back.

'Of course I will. We can use the honeymoon tape for our study guide.'

'We going to practice what you teach me?' I laughed a sarcastic laugh.

'Of course!' Brian then stood up and cheered loudly. I looked over to him with my red face glowing.

"Mr. Haner! Sit back down or I'll have to send you to the office." Mrs. Jackson threatened. Brian sat back down, kicking his feet up on his desk. I shook my head and began a text back to him.

'If you ever do that to me again, I will annul this marriage so fast you head will spin.' I heard him chuckle before my phone buzzed again.

'Which head?' I shook my head and he chuckled again. This was going to be an interesting year.