Status: Complete

The Splattered Men

The Splattered Man

There sat two men. One was in red splatters and one was in blue splatters. The red splattered man held a feather in his hand. All it could do was tickle the nose. The blue splattered man held an axe in his hand. It cut one piece into many. The red splattered man was filled with rage a jealousy. He wanted the blue splattered mans axe. The blue splattered man was filled with calmness and dignity. His axe showed safety and protection. So the red splattered man became angry at the blue. This caused the red to soak in his temper mixed with greed. He needed the power of the axe to survive. So within a wish, the feather became a needle in which he could stab through the body and paralyze the bones. The blue splattered man was too calm to care. He waved the other man off as nothing. With splatters on his shirt, there was too much to do. Not enough time. Not enough energy. And so the red splattered man began to hate the blue. Rising with fire in his eyes, the red splattered man wanted to slash and kill to create blood on his shirt. So let's say the blue splattered man had a reflection. Then we shall say that the red splattered man is the mirror. Or maybe the blue splattered man had used his axe to cut off the red splattered mans head. That would explain the reflection of blood on his shirt.
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I would love interpretations of this short story. :]