
I Guess I'll See You In Hell

In the dark, shadowed corridors of his castle lurked a shining, bright speck. It glimmered as it gracefully floated down the halls, until it reached his study. Book shelf lined walls and great magnificent portraits of the suffering was hardly any decor compared to the desk carved out of raw bones. It was a pearly white, with curved clawed edges and Victorian legs. Sitting on the grand wooden throne placed behind the desk was a young man by the looks no older than twenty five staring with a focused look at a glass crystal. The orb was swirling with a cloudy, ominous gray coloration, the man looked as if he stared at it long enough something would occur.

Carefully the speck glided onto the desk, landing softly like a feather. With its presence, the colors in the crystal ball changed colors, until finally after an agonizing wait, revealed an image. At first it was cloudy, and undefined, blurry even, it just seemed like a bunch of colors with no lines. After a minute, it finally settled into a clear picture of a fair maiden looking out the window. Rain poured down in the picture, as the girl sighed, gently nudging her window open. Her silvery grey eyes portrayed nothing but a eternity of sadness, and bleak glazed hurt.

Lucifer's jaw dropped from its hinge. With a spark in his heart he knew what he wanted; her. This lively girl in the upper world had him completely entranced. Quick on his feet, Lucifer rushed out of his office, and the speck followed, loftily lingering behind. Little did this inanimate speck know what demise now was lying ahead for the poor girl. Miserable as she looked, dragging her to the underworld wasn't worth it. There was nothing that was worth being forcibly yanked into every dimension's deepest pits.

But what Lucifer wanted, Lucifer tended to receive, and his wrath was something you'd want to avoid at all costs. Charging down the dusky corridors, Lucifer reached the barricaded door; he forgot to remember that he had it bolted shut for extra security, to keep the little demons away and off from priceless furnishing. After years of confinement, he was sure they'd be willing to listen or they'd suffer the same lonely fate dark never ending room. Due to being in his own world, Lucifer's mind was the controller of nearly everything, all he needed was a single thought to bring an item to his hand, rather than bringing a key to him, he escorted his little fiends out with the power of his mind.

The winged beasts fluttered in the hall with pure excitement and malicious intent, they stared at their master with giant bulging black eyes. Their bodies were weak, and not powerful enough to try to defy the almighty.

"Yesssss masssssster," One hissed silently, trying to figure out Lucifer's intentions. What use they were for. The speck hid in a corner, just looming in the dead end of the hall. Hoping it wouldn't be seen, it was the girl's lifeline if she were to ever appear down there.

Lucifer's vibrant blue eyes, hardened over into a deep scarlet red, simply staring down the one creature that dared to speak.

"Bring me this marvelous creature," Lucifer's voice was very sing song, and dreamy, yet it had a stern undertone. His mind projected the image of the fair blonde girl into the mind of his creatures. On instinct they were off on the hunt leaving the fiery underworld, and Lucifer locked in his own paradise.
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Oddities Contest Entry.
word count: 594

2 more chapters to complete this.
story, poem, story
Comments please.