Jasmine, Lily and Rose

Chapter 4


We being living in Woking which is in Surrey for year and a bit. At school which is called Woking High, which is 10 mins, walk. I got to know the teachers really well so I find out that: if they got kids and how old are they, do they got dogs or cats or both, what is the house like and the garden. I shown them I am grown up and trustful. So when I ask: “do you need a babysitter?”, “do you need someone to walk the dog?”, “do you need a pet minder?” and ‘do you need someone to weed tour garden?’ I make sure the teachers are only 30 mins walk away, I ask the question near the end of the years since I came to the school at the start of year 8 and only know me for 9 months. The good thing is they know me and like me a lot. A few say yes.

• Mrs Parker pay me a £15 to look after her kids every Friday night when her and Mr Parker go out for dinner.

• Mr wood, Mrs Richard and Mrs Fisher pay me £5 a day to feed their Cats. Mr Wood was gone for a weekend so I got £10, Mrs Richard was gone for a week I got £30 and Mrs Fisher was gone for a month so I got £100 well it was £120 but I said I knock £20 off.

• Mr Adams pay me to do weeding at his grandma’s house, I spend 4 hours once a week doing weeding. There a lot of weeds like a jungle but I get £5 a hour so I get £20.

So in the summer holiday is 6 weeks long, £15 x 6 = £ 90, £10+£30+£100= £140, £20x6= £120 and if I add that up £90+£140+£120= £350 well I notice some of my money went missing because my sisters nick some of it. They did it they don’t have any money and they didn’t came up the idea to do work for money because they are lazy! So now I give the money to mum to keep safe. When we started year 9 I still had my baby-sitting job. Mrs Parker kids love me Tim who is nine and Tina who is 6. I play games with them Tina is a princess, Tim is the knight and I am the dragon who kidnap the Princess. I read out stories books to them or I make up my own ones up and act it out (the stories it about Princess Tina and Tim the Knight team up against great evil).

The money I save up was good fun because in the yr 8 and I was new as well I don’t have friends I am no good at fitting in. Lily hang out with boyfriends and girlfriends. Rose hang out with a gang now and now look the part too. Once a month my mum give money for us to go see a film. Lily go with her friends and Rose go with mates to see a film I do hung out with them when I see a film with them but it a bit odd at times. Lilly and Rose friends are bitching or hitting on me. So that whys I would work keep me busy so I won’t feel loney.