Status: The first chapter is just a test run. If it's popular, I'll continue it. :D

Twice the Trouble.

Off to School. Er, I Mean Schools.

We were already aboard the train, In our own little compartment. We were wearing muggle clothes. And as usual, they were alike. We were talking quietly, our dragons in our laps. They weren’t glaring or hissing since last week. I think they realized they were going to live with each other for a long time. They did the smart thing by making the best of it. I had read the requirement list. It didn’t say we could have dragons, but, in our case, it was necessary. I just hoped the Headmaster would see it that way.

Mother had owled Professor Dumbledore about our current situation, me going back and forth between schools, and about Chontelle have to switch classes halfway through the day. I would try to collect her homework for her, but if I failed, the teachers would. I haven’t met them yet, but I hope they are nice.

The train came to a sudden halt, and we changed into our robes quickly. Startled, Twilight and Sunrise, hovered about our heads snorting in unhappiness. When I was done, I grabbed my two trunks (one for night school, the other for Hogwarts), and lifted my arm slightly, signaling that Twilight should come down. He did and we left. Chontelle and Sunrise in pursuit. We heard a voice yelling for the first years. I assumed he meant first timers, which was us, so we walked over to him. “Sir? We’re new.” I said. The man saw our dragons and his eyes gleamed in delight. “Are ya’ the Merqui ‘wins?” his gruff, but gentle voice asked.

“That’d be us.” I smiled brightly. “Alright, ya’ mind telling me which one ya’ are?”

I liked this man, so I didn’t trick him into thinking that I was my sister. “I’m Jazze.”

“Chontelle.” She said coming up behind me.

“Dumbledore specifically asked for ya’, so come along,” he lead us to a boat, “this one’s yers. I’m Rubeus Hagrid, grounds keeper of Hogwarts.” He said proudly and I giggled. He rowed us to the other side where we thanked him and got off. “Come and visit me now! You can bring those dragons of yours to, if ya’ want.” He told us.

“Merci Hagrid!” we waved at him then trudged up the slope to the castle. “What do you think is going to happen?” Chontelle asked me.“I don’t know. Normally they have us come at night, but since I have to be at the night school, they made it a little bit earlier.” I said.

We entered the castle and a witch was standing there waiting for us. “The Merqui twins. We’ve been expecting you. If you would please follow me.” We followed her around many corners, before coming to a halt in front of a stone gargoyle. “Acid pops.” The gargoyle moved allowing us to pass through. The scrape of stone on stone was heard behind us. It was closing, but I didn’t feel trapped. I felt kind of happy here. I looked towards my sister to see her glowing. Literally glowing.

“Chontelle? You’re radiating light.” I informed her then turned back toward the front.

“What?” she asked shocked. “Yeah, look at yourself.”

I heard a gasp and I knew that she had seen it. We stood waiting while a griffin spiraled us up in circles. We stopped in front of an oak door. The professor knocked using the brass knocker. “Enter,”

“Albus, the new students have arrived.”

“Yes, yes. Come in.” He interlaced his fingers together and peered down at us through his spectacles.

“Chontelle Merqui, and Jazze Merqui. Twins. You are going to attempt to go to two different schools?”

“Yes sir. Not attempt sir, will.” We told him. His eyes twinkled. “The last person in history to do what you will do was myself. That was a very long time ago.”

“We will do so successfully sir. I don’t mean to be rude, but I have to be at my other school in two hours.” I said.

“Ah yes. We have to discuss that. As well as your sleeping quarters, for your schedule will be a little different than the other students. And also we’ll have to discuss the matter of your pets.” His eyes focused on our dragons, and I instinctively shielded him from his view. “Don’t worry we won’t take them away. You girls are very special, and the fact that you have dragons means you must play a very important role in the future. They can’t stay in the owlery, they would eat the owls. There is also the matter of their growth.” He said to us.

“Sir, they only grow as fast as us. Every year as we get one year older, they’ll grow two feet longer. We thought they could stay with us, in our rooms. We have a busy schedule, and they like to know where one of is. Protective habits.” I informed him.

“That will be fine, just make sure they don’t escape into the castle. We’ll place a charm on the stone wall. It won’t be stone anymore, but a large archway for Twilight and Sunrise, to fly out and have their freedom whenever they like. Of course, make sure they don’t catch anything on fire. The archway will let things out and in, with your permission, others can come in as well. But it won’t let the elements in. Unless you want them to. Now there is a fireplace in there, so you may floo in between the schools as much as you like.” He paused. “Now, I have to sort you, but Ms. Chontelle, if you like we can sort you as well.”

“No thanks. I’ll wait until the Feast. But merci.” She smiled.

“Minerva, if you would please?” Dumbledore gestured to a hat on the shelf.

She grabbed the hat and placed it on my head.

Merqui? Chontelle or Jazze? Jazze. I replied in my head as if was totally normally for a hat to be talking to me. Yes, yes, I recognize you now. Smart, trying to learn from two schools. It will be tiring, but I think you can handle it. You are brave coming to this school. Loyal, I think. . . .

“GRYFFINDOR!” the hat shouted.

“Thank you Professor. Headmaster. Where exactly will I be staying?” I asked.

“McGonagall, if you would please?” I took the hat off and followed her. She lead us to the tallest tower in the entire castle. “This where you will be staying, ladies, enjoy.” McGonagall smiled, then left closing the door softly behind her. I claimed the darker side of the room, and Chontelle chose the brighter, lighter side of the room. I organized my things. Placing them in drawers, and folding clothes, placing personal memories on the nightstands and my side of the fireplace.

“Chontelle, I’ll see you later, watch Twilight for me, please.” I hugged her. “Anything for you sister. You’d be doing it for me.” She smiled. “Now go!”

“Thanks.” I smiled then flooed out. “The Night School For the Gifted!” I shouted.

I spun and swirled. Any moment now, I felt like I was going to throw up. I spun in the green flames, before I was unceremoniously thrown out of them.

I landed on my hands and knees. Pushing on the mossy green floor I stood up. Looking around, I was looking at a beautiful castle with water in front of it. Walking slowing, taking it all in, I marveled at the intricate detail, and even though it would be 4:00 in the evening, the sky was midnight here. As I approached the wooden door, I saw a figure standing waiting for someone and that would most likely be me. “Hello,” the man said in a light French accent. “Are you Jazze Merqui?” the look in his eyes questioning. “I am.”

He smiled. “Come ‘zis way. I followed him through many sets of doors. Finally we stopped. “Are you ready?” I nodded. He opened the door for me, and I walked into a whole new world.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Castle. ^