‹ Prequel: The Heart Does Go On
Status: Active

Love Can Touch Us One Time and Last For a Lifetime

Chapter one - "Yeah, I know. Mr. Jerk face"

Don’t you hate it when you’re in a bad mood and everything around you annoys you?

I hate my hair. It gets greasy too easily, so I have to wash it a lot.

I hate the shirt I’m wearing right now. It was a size too small and so tight around my bust; I had to wear the first few buttons undone, making me a sex symbol.

I hate the fact that I won’t get promoted.

I hate the fact that because I’m a secretary that always has clean hair, and a shirt too small for me I always seems to get hit on by everyone.

I hate the fact that I’m even being called to my boss’ office.

I approached his secretary, who was just sitting there, as if staring out into space.

“Uh, hi? I’m here for a meeting with-“ I started, but she cut me off.

“Yeah, I know. Mr. Jerk face” She giggled, and I had to smuggle a giggle as well.

This place was like high school. Be careful who you say crap about behind their back, it may come back to haunt you.

But she probably hates this job as much as I do.

“Well, I think he’s doing something at the moment. He keeps me in the dark about these things, but take a seat and I’ll tell you when you can go in.” The secretary smiled, motioning for the comfortable looking couches against the wall.

“Thanks.” I replied, sitting down with a ‘huff’

When I first got my job at this place, it was hard not to always contrast and compare it to Kaiba Corp. As time went on, the times at Kaiba Corp. seemed so long ago, even though it was only a year since I moved to Berkeley.

For example, people were left alone mostly in this company, instead of Seto Kaiba putting his nose in EVERY department on a regular basis. This company’s interior was quite trendy, stylish and comfortable, whereas Kaiba Corp. was designed to be more intimidating.

As for the bosses, well they were quite different too. But that’s a comparison for later.

“Miss Campbell, Mr. Von Schroeder will see you now.” The secretary called out to me, and I got up and walked into my boss’ office.

Yep, that’s right. I may be working for Kaiba Corp’s biggest competitor, but in my defence it wasn’t in the Kaiba Corp contract that you couldn’t work for competitors. This wasn’t my first job since I moved here, and it wasn’t done on purpose.

It’s not like I’m still bitter about the breakup, it’s been over a year!

I walked into Schroeder’s office, not the first time I’d done this. When I did business as a subject in junior year of high school (I was so bummed they didn’t offer it at Domino) we got told about different styles of management. There was the most controlling, dictatorship management style of autocratic, and then it went down a hierarchy until you got laissez-faire, which was when management didn’t put any input in.

Anyway, Seto was obviously autocratic. But Schroder I would say is persuasive; it’s only a step down from autocratic, but it was still different. Instead of the manager being like ‘rah rah! Go do this! Now!’ they try and persuade you into doing it, and you still had little input.

“Good morning, Miss Campbell.” Schroeder called out to me, as I stepped up to his desk.

All scattered across his desk were magazines and newspapers. Every one of them featuring me. Only a select few had my story make the front page, most of them were in the gossip section. I noticed the Domino Times as one of the ones where it made the front cover.

You see, I had a drunken bender last Saturday night. It was Monday and I was already fully recovered, but my image had not.

However, luckily back when I was ‘Seto’s girl’ I had built myself up a positive media image, and even after such a horrible night, the articles were still positive about me.

The only reason why I was still appearing in these magazines was because I was still being linked to Seto, even a year on. Apparently my night out was because I was depressed that Seto was apparently seeing some daughter of some big business. I didn’t even know…

I looked at my boss, Zigfried von Schroeder, and I could see he was mad, and wanted an explanation out of me. Gulp.

I guess I should take you all back to the start, after I made the move to Berkeley…
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Woohoo the sequel is here! Thanks to all my readers who stayed on board for the sequel :) I can promise it's probably better than the first part, it's not as 'realistic' but a lot more happens.