‹ Prequel: The Heart Does Go On
Status: Active

Love Can Touch Us One Time and Last For a Lifetime

Chapter fifteen - "I HATE YOU ELLA CAMPBELL!"

“I can’t believe you’re even CONSIDERING working for that jerk, Kaiba again.” Duke scoffed at dinner on Friday night.

“Why not? I’m beginning to miss Domino. Siegfried has completely ruined Berkeley for me.” I replied.

“Move to San Francisco to work for Industrial Illusions. You’d still only be about half an hour drive to college, and you’re probably going to make a better name for yourself working for Pegasus than you would if you were working for your ex.” Duke suggested.

“I don’t want to have to drive past Von Schroeder Corp. EVER again. Besides, life was so much better in Domino. More sights to see, better people. We’ve made barely any friends since we got here.” I whined.

“What about your housemate? Whatever her name is.” Duke put in.

“Oh Kristy? Yeah, remind me not to associate with ANYBODY named Kristy again. First Joey’s ex, now this bitch…” I grumbled.

“Wow, what happened?” Duke chuckled.

“I don’t know. She’s not that bad, but we don’t really have flowing conversation. If I try she’ll either snap at me, or just ignore me.” I shrugged.

“Well, alright then. But if you move to Domino, don’t expect me to move back. I like it here.” Duke stated to me.

“I wasn’t asking you to come. But okay. I don’t know why you like it here so much. You never see your dad.” I pointed out to him.

“So? I like the lifestyle.” Duke snapped at me.

“Okay, fine, whatever. But let me remind you that back in Domino you had every girl drooling over you. You even had your own cheerleaders. You find it hard to even get a bimbo here, and the only times you do manager to get a bimbo’s attention for more than 5 seconds is to spend a lot of money buying her drinks.” I scowled.

“I HATE YOU ELLA CAMPBELL!” Duke screeched at me, getting out of his chair and storming out of the restaurant.

I sighed, but still held a small smile on my face. He was only angry because he knew I was right.

I quickly got up and cancelled our orders, and paid for the entrees we had as well as our drinks. The restaurant was only a few blocks away from Kristy and I’s apartment, so it was a pleasant walk home.

I wasn’t upset at Duke’s outburst; I was a little shocked though. I had NEVER seen Duke yell at anyone, not even his enemies. He was always so calm and collected. That was his weapon for taunting his opponents.

I got in the door, and noticed that Kristy wasn’t home at the time. I sighed, finally a time I could feel comfortable in my own home.

I threw my bag onto my bed and reached for my laptop. It was the one that Seto gave me, even though he gave it to me over a year ago it was still running smoothly.

All my programs opened up automatically, one of them being Skype. I rarely used Skype, but one person decided to contact me.

My name was very lame, I must admit. I created it during my 13 year old ‘emo phase’ however the person I am about to speak to made his right at the end of senior year to keep in touch with all his friends. That is pathetic.

Redeyesduelman: ella! Wanna go on cam?

rock-onx3: Aw Joey. I just got into a fight with Duke and I look like crap lol do I have to?

Redeyesduelman: yes. as I told you, I came back to domino a while ago as you know. I told you Tea was moving back to domino because she learned all she could in NYC. we’re all here at Yuge’s house cos she’s here

rock-onx3: !!!

rock-onx3: So the gang is back together, at last?

Redeyesduelman: well, I wouldn’t say ‘the gang’ is back together. You and duke aren’t here. But close enough. So get on cam girl.

I adjusted the inbuilt webcam and made sure I looked presentable. Then I clicked onto a videoconference with Joey.


At around 11pm, my housemate came in the door. She immediately called out to me, and I hesitantly joined her in the lounge room.

“Look, bitch. I want you out of this apartment tomorrow. You’re a stupid drain on me, and you’re a stupid whore. You’re totally using Siegfried like you used Kaiba. You think by using these big businessmen that you can get ahead in life. Well screw you, bitch. If you’re going to play that way then I’m going to do my bit too. Go get Kaiba or Siegfried to help you out.” Kristy snarled at me.

“What the hell? You can’t kick me out you stupid moron, I’m on the lease too!” I piped up.

“Wrong. I never put you on the lease. So there’s nothing legal that states that you live here. I want you out by tomorrow.” Kristy snarled.

I crossed my arms, but played it cool. I was going to use Duke’s technique to annoy this bitch.

“Yeah, ok, fine. I can leave tonight if you wish. I can go stay with Siegfried. It’s all part of the master plan. Kaiba still loves me, and will do anything to win me back. So I’ll go and live with Siegfried. Thank you SO MUCH for understanding!” I lied, and used a faux cheery voice.

She gave me the biggest death glare and stormed into her own room.


One suitcase and two small plastic bags later I was in my car driving specifically somewhere. I didn’t have many items here. The apartment that Kristy rented was already furnished, and most of my unneeded items were with Dad.

I got to my destination, and got out of the car. I left the suitcase in my car covered by a blanket, and locked it up. I went up the familiar staircase and got my cell phone out.

I dialled the number and let it ring 5 times and I hung up. It was now 1am this point, I needed to make sure this person was awake so he answered the door and not somebody else.

I knocked on the door discreetly, and the person who answered was the person I was looking for.

“Ella! What are you doing here?” He asked in a discreet voice.

“I know you’re mad at me Duke, but I need a place to stay just for tonight until I can sort things out tomorrow. Please?” I begged him.

Duke’s face softened and he let out a sigh.

“Alright. Just because I feel bad for snapping at you earlier, and there’s some things we need to discuss. You’ll have to sleep in my bed though, if my room mates find out I had a girl here they’d kick my ass, because I don’t let them bring girls home.” Duke informed me.

I had to giggle. If Duke Devlin said that to anyone else but his best friend, that girl would be kicking his ass knowing his true intentions.