‹ Prequel: The Heart Does Go On
Status: Active

Love Can Touch Us One Time and Last For a Lifetime

Chapter eighteen - "Don't worry kid, we'll be back soon"

After the ordeal at Von Schroeder Corp, Seto insisted on hiring me a publicist. I didn’t disagree with him, the next day on gossip columns all over the city (and probably the entire world) the ‘love triangle’ between Seto, Siegfried and I was featured.

I may be able to handle the media well when I’m dating a celebrity and I’m on the red carpet, but I don’t think a rumour on this calibre would be best defended by me alone.

The publicist first denied Siegfried’s claims of me cheating on him, stating the truth, which Siegfried and I never really dated. When asked about Seto and I’s relationship, the publicist also told the media the truth. Seto and I would discuss our private life together once this ordeal was together. We had to say this because it would look suspicious if I denied Siegfried and I never dated, and denied that Seto and I will not date in the near future.

Seto and I then went to the police station to give the evidence that he had slipped illegal drugs, and we had to be interviewed and even give affidavits should Siegfried get charged. We also followed the steps the police advised us to, to complain about Siegfried discriminating against me in the workforce. It wasn’t a civil case, I wanted no money. I just wanted to make sure he never did that to anybody again.

As soon as we left the police station, the journalists began to flock us again. The only question I answered was that I will not be suing Siegfried, and whatever happened to him in the criminal justice system was adequate enough punishment. What happened to me was frustrating, but I did not to be remunerated and one of the aims of the criminal system was punishment and to extract revenge on the public’s behalf. I was not a gold digger.

Let’s just say, in times where people sue over the smallest things in order to get a big pay out, and where corporate sexual harassment claims are exaggerated, the media took very well to this and I think they fell in love with me all over again.

So at the end of the week, all the stuff regarding Siegfried was out of the way. I had quit my job, and filed everything I needed to file against him. He wouldn’t bother me again. Whilst I didn’t formally file a restraining order against him, if he know what’s good for his health as well as reputation he will stay away.

All that was left was to hear back from Domino University and Japan’s department of immigration. Seto took care of those, saying he knew exactly how to get our visas accepted as well as entrance into Domino University. After we received those, we’d look into housing and flights and we’d be off to Domino again.

My Domino friends were so stoked about the arrival of Duke and I. Everyone was now back from the other paths they took, and the whole gang would be back together. I never realised how much I missed them all until now. I couldn’t wait to see them all again.


Duke and I were on the way to a lunch with Seto. He had called lunch to ‘discuss matters’ so this could either mean it was a really good thing, or a really bad thing. Stupid Seto, he always was very vague and never gave hints as to what may be said.

Duke was driving in his convertible, whilst I was looking out the window.

“It’s kind of amusing how much we both looked forward to this place, and now we can’t wait to leave. I never realised how much Domino was my home, I always considered San Francisco my home.” Duke shrugged as he looked out the window.

“I didn’t consider anywhere my home. L.A. certainly wasn’t, that place was torture for me. Domino was for a short while, but I wanted to run away from Seto. I thought maybe Berkeley could be my new home, but it was just as much torture as L.A. I was truly at my happiest in Domino.” I replied to Duke as I looked out the window.

Duke grabbed my shoulder in a friendly way and patted it before saying “Don’t worry kid, we’ll be back soon.”

Duke pulled into the parking place at the place where Seto was holding this ‘small meeting’ and we both bounded out of the car and into the restaurant.

We saw Seto sitting at a table by himself, and we walked over. I sat next to Seto, whilst Duke sat opposite of him.

“So what do we need to discuss?” Duke immediately asked, sounding a little…snarky?

“Devlin is on the ball, I like that. If you’re in so much of a hurry I can tell you outright.” Seto replied.

“Please do. Time is money right?” Duke asked coldly.

I had no idea why Duke was acting like this. He was never Kaiba’s biggest fan, but he usually was civil enough towards him. Duke was somebody that Kaiba was civil enough with as well, because deep down Kaiba admired Duke a little bit for being rich and successful like him.

“Alright Devlin, if you wish. In short, your application for a working visa into Japan has been accepted, for both of you. It’s two years long, and I suggest that in one year we review the requirements needed for citizenship for both of you. That gives you time to live in Japan and let the authorities know you’re valuable citizens, but gives you another year to fulfil all requirements.” Seto said to us.

“I could always just find some Japanese guy to marry, and get a marriage visa.” I snickered, looking at Seto.

Seto was so caught off guard he began to choke on his water. Duke noticed and snickered too.

“I’ll marry some Japanese chick too. Then we’ll both divorce them, take half of all their money and you and me can get married and have beautiful, rich children!” Duke exclaimed.

I laughed, and immediately high fived him.

Seto glared at us both and gave us a loud cough.

“Well, don’t start celebrating yet. You both were accepted into Domino University, I’ll gladly give you your acceptance letters. So now you both can move back to Domino.” Seto stated.

Duke and I looked at each other, and then back to Seto. We then both let out loud squeals, even Duke did! He’s a guy!

“So I have one more proposal for you. Because you’ll both be leaving this country soon, I think you both need a night out. Especially you, Ella. I assume we’ll be discussing the topic of you and I once you get back to Domino, and I think it’s a good idea for you to get partying out of your system so you’ll live comfortably in a conservative lifestyle.” Seto said to us.

“Um, why? I partied it up when I was sixteen. I handed away the party lifestyle when I moved to Domino. It’s already out of my system and partying seems kind of weird.” I said to Seto.

“No Ella, we really should go party. We’ll party to celebrate our moving back. I think Kaiba is right, a big celebration is in order.” Duke addressed me.

“See, Devlin is correct. On this night, you could do whatever you wanted to do. No limitations. Do whatever you feel you need to do, and if I ever find out I won’t get angry or break up with you should I ever feel the need to. I can even sign a contract to prove this to you.” Seto proposed.

“Hot damn! Take up the kind man’s offer!” Duke exclaimed.

“Hm…well, okay. Just to go off with a bang, because I’m really excited to go back to Domino. But aren’t there a few certain things you wouldn’t want me to do?” I asked Seto.

“Obviously there are a few things I would prefer for you not to do, yes. But I know you Ella. Even if granted complete freedom you still have decisions over your actions. You are conservative enough already to not do certain things.” Seto stated.

For the rest of the lunch, Duke was in a happier mood. As we discussed certain arrangements for our return to Domino, Duke stopped being snarky towards Seto and began to act civil towards Seto again.

Returning to Domino was so soon, I can hardly wait.