‹ Prequel: The Heart Does Go On
Status: Active

Love Can Touch Us One Time and Last For a Lifetime

Chapter twenty one

Seto landed the blue eyes jet in a park near my mother’s house. There was a small playground at the front of the park, but there was a lot of empty space at the back, perfect for a landing.

Seto turned off the engine and removed his headgear, and we sat in silence for a few moments.

I suddenly, without even thinking about it attacking Seto from behind with a hug.

I leaned over (as I was seated in the seat behind him) and hugged him from behind, my arms tightly wrapped around his neck and shoulders as I squeezed his body onto mine.

“What’s this for?” Seto asked, flashing me a smirk.

“I um, kind of wanted to hug you. I’ve missed it.” I nervously said, as it dawned on me what I had just done.

“…I missed it too.” Seto declared, a small smile forming upon his lips.

We sat in silence for about a minute, just staring into each other’s faces. Well, I still had my arms wrapped around his shoulders; he had turned around to look at me as much as he could.

I didn’t want to move, because I didn’t want this moment to end. I guess that’s why Seto stayed still as well. We both knew that the sooner we got seeing my mother over and done with was the sooner we could finally get together.

“Let’s get this over and done with. From all you’ve told me about your mother I can’t say I’m terribly excited to meet her.” Seto coldly said, as if reading my mind.

The walk to my mother’s house from the park was about four minutes. We had to walk up a small hill, and then into my mother’s street. We were almost ran over by a car that looked about 40 years old speeding up the street.

“Um. Wow.” Seto said, unable to form a positive description of the neighbourhood.

There was dead grass on every person’s lawn. A crappy car in the driveway, and either a broken down car sitting on the grass, or other rubbish like empty beer bottles and fast food wrappers.

I said nothing as we made our way down my mother’s driveway. There in her garden sitting in deck chairs was a moderate amount of people. They hadn’t noticed us walk in and continued to talk amongst themselves.

However it was quickly noted that these people were arguing and not talking.

“Gimme my beer back ya slut.” My Auntie slurred to my cousin, her daughter.

“I bought this! Buy your own, fat bitch.” Her daughter bit back at her.

“Ah hem, hey everyone.” I nervously interrupted.

“Oh it’s my baby!” My mother shouted, putting out her cigarette and putting down her bottle of beer to run up to me and give me a hug.

“Hi.” I stiffly said, trying to get out of her hug as quickly as I could.

I wasn’t a fan of smelling like booze and cigarettes.

“Who is this? He seems as stiff as a rug.” My auntie chuckled indicating to Seto, her hoarse voice from years of substance abuse being prevalent.

“I believe the saying you’re looking for is ‘as stiff as a board’ but knowing your house, if you could even afford rugs, they would be stiff from the 50 cigarettes you smoke a second, as well as beer being spilt on it all day.” I snapped at her.

“Ella!” My mum screamed at me, obviously unamused at my dig at her sister.

However my auntie didn’t seem to care, obviously my insults being lost on her for being too dumb.

“Look how skinny you are now Ella! In fact I think you’re too skinny. But I guess being too skinny is better being fat and ugly, which is what you used to be. My you were such an ugly and fat child.” The same auntie said, not realising how much her words hurt and angered me.

She always picked on me for my weight all throughout my childhood. Which was funny, because she was at least 300 pounds and that’s if she’s lucky. It wasn’t because she was afraid of me becoming unhealthy. It was literally because she was too dumb to realise how rude and hurtful words like that were.

I know I keep using the excuse of ‘she’s too dumb’ to everything she says, but it’s true. I can’t even show you how dumb she is. She doesn’t know how to turn on a TV or open a door. Am I being mean because she has a learning difficulty? No. She has no such thing. She’s just such a lazy bitch, who expects everyone to do everything for her. She largely depends on the government and welfare, being too lazy to work.

In short, she’s everything that Seto and I both hate. How dare she call ME fat, ugly and lazy.

“Thanks, I know I’m really thin now. Too bad you’re still fat and ugly.” I snarled at her, my anger seeping through.

“That’s not nice love, I can’t help that.” My auntie bit back.

“You’re right, you can’t help it. God forbid you stop chain smoking, drinking beer and eating fast food and actually getting up and doing something with your life.” I angrily argued, before storming into the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Take note, Ella is meant to be immature in this part. Her past demons are coming back to haunt her (You'll see what I mean next part) and anger is taking over the best of her.

P.S. sorry for the negative image of people on welfare, and those who are overweight. Whilst there's nothing wrong with either, Ella HATES her family for taking advantage of government benefits when they are capable of working and never have, and how they've teased her constantly for her weight, when they're overweight themselves.

I sound like I'm getting defensive, but I just don't want anybody to get offended.