‹ Prequel: The Heart Does Go On
Status: Active

Love Can Touch Us One Time and Last For a Lifetime

Chapter three - "From there on in I was apparently Siegfried von Schroeder’s favourite employee."

I remember clearly the Schroeder job interview. The HR manager told me to straight away go up to the top floor to be interviewed by Siegfried himself.

I got up to the top, and noticed it was completely empty, besides for Siegfried’s personal assistant. She told me to go through.

I walked in, and immediately Siegfried got up from his desk to give me a hug. I went for a handshake, but he wrapped his arms around me. He told me greeting like this was ‘polite’ and better than a simple handshake.

We then sat down, and he began to ask a few questions. However he seemed to be disinterested and even…bored with what he was asking and what I was answering. I felt a little underconfident and felt as if I wouldn’t be good for the role. I felt that I definitely wasn’t going to be good for the role.

As much as I wanted to stand out and storm out, or bargain with Siegfried and say he should hire me because I was Kaiba’s ex, I knew I couldn’t.

I always promised myself I wouldn’t be like my mother, who whined to get her own way, or went by professional assosciation. I wouldn’t be like that. I was going to make it on my own in this world.

However the conversation did turn into the relationship I had with Kaiba. Siegfried flipped through my resume, and found the reference I had, with the head of Accounting department at Kaiba Corp. He made a comment about how it wasn’t Seto Kaiba himself who was the reference. I then went on to explain the emails I exchanged with Kaiba.

I remember Siegfrieds reaction.

“Herr Kaiba is just spiteful that he lost such an important asset, a beautiful woman such as yourself on his arm. Not only were you stylish and beautiful, the media loved you too. An important neccessity for a young businessman.”

Then he went on to show me a press conference Kaiba called a few weeks ago, which I had no idea about because I didn’t keep tabs on Kaiba, and I’d been busy with final assignments for college.

Apparently the media had been hounding Kaiba about the breakup of us, blaming him bitterly. He called the press conference to tell the world that I apparently had cheated on him. With Joey.

I thought it might be a lie, Siegfried hated Kaiba and I knew that so maybe he had digitally altered the video, but after extra research it was true. I felt so alienated that I had no idea about all of this, but Berekely was not a duellist city, no one could care less about Seto Kaiba. I knew my Domino friends kept quiet about it to not upset me; they’d done a lot of that in the past.

Joey was apparently taking Kaiba to court for defamation, but he wasn’t really after money (even though he of course claimed for a modest sum) he stated to reporters he just wanted to clear both his and my name. At the time I had no idea how the outcome would go, but months on I would find out that Joey won $10,000, it got huge media coverage and our names were cleared, and Joey donated that $10,000 to a charity that helped street kids with tough backgrounds, like ourselves.

Anyway, back to the interview.

After Siegfried showed me that shocking press conference, he pretended to be all professional and offered me the job.

I smirked, and then decided now was the time to use professional association and to be upfront.

“Mr. Schroeder. I accept your job offer, but under no false pretences. I think working as your front desk secretary would help me as much as it would help you. You get free publicity and get my good image. I get a job, which I desperately need. We both get a small punt at revenge for Seto Kaiba. It’s win-win. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. There’s no need to keep appearances up, I much prefer an honest and open relationship with my employer.”

From there on in I was apparently Siegfried von Schroeder’s favourite employee.
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Haha, it's kind of amusing. In the Author's Note for this part on Quizilla I was bitching about my boyfriend at the time appearing earlier than he was meant to, which is why this part was short. I was complaining he interrupted me 'talking to a friend' who is now my current boyfriend. I found it amusing.