‹ Prequel: The Heart Does Go On
Status: Active

Love Can Touch Us One Time and Last For a Lifetime

Chapter nine - "Be the lioness I fell in love with"

Seto’s point of view

By the time we got to the limousine, Ella was near on out of it. Her eyes were beginning to close and reopen quickly, as she kept jousting herself from sleep. I could tell she was only semi-conscious

“Is this?” Randy asked in shock, and I nodded as a reply. “What’s wrong with her?”

I ignored Randy’s question as I opened up the door myself, carefully placing Ella inside the limousine. I sat Ella up and buckled her seatbelt before doing my own. She immediately slumped her head onto my shoulder, making small groaning noises.

It was now that I could speak to Randy.

“I’m fairly sure that her drink got spiked.” Was what I told Randy.

Randy let out a gasp, and then asked me who.

“I cannot say due to fears of defamation. But I think I have a fairly good idea of who did this to her.” I said, almost growling at Randy at the thought of what happened to Ella.

“So are we going back to your hotel?” Randy asked me.

“No. Just let me get up my archived employment records. I’ll find her father’s address, I think that’s the safest place for Ella to be right now.” I said, carefully getting my laptop from under the seat.

I skimmed through my past employees archive, and found what I was looking for. Andy Campbell. Andy’s initial Kaiba Corp application had his L.A. address; Ella’s old employee archives had no traces of it.

I told Randy the address, and he keyed it into his GPS and away he went.

Randy kept quiet the majority of the trip, which was very much appreciated. The only comment he made was ‘very affluent looking suburb…’

Ella however, was not so quiet. In her semi-conscious state she was making a lot of moaning and groaning sounds.

I finally gave in and held her shoulders tightly, encouraging her to lean on my shoulder. She did, and quietened down as she made herself more comfortable.

Randy looked in his rear view mirror, but chose to stay quiet.

“Seto thanks for everything.” I heard Ella quietly say.

“What do you mean?” I asked, letting my guard down.

“Thanks for giving me a great opportunity in life. Thanks for making my senior year the best a girl could enjoy before I got those opportunities ripped away from me by Von Schroeder.” Ella quietly replied.

“Ella, you’re the ones limiting your opportunities. Schroeder is playing you, but you’re allowing him to play you. Be the lioness I fell in love with.” I growled at Ella, getting annoyed at how meek she was being.

Ella was independent and strong, and didn’t take anybody’s attitude. This was not the Ella I knew. This was not the Ella I loved.

She began to shiver, and started whimpering again. I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair.

“Mr. Kaiba, ignore her. Whenever someone is under the influence they are a completely different person. To get them to settle down you must comfort them, instead of reasoning with them. They are not in a state of mind to be reasoned with.” Randy explained, as he pulled up outside a house.

The house was reasonably sized, and the garden looked as if it was once luscious and perfect. It was overgrown now, in a messy way but not in a way that it made it impossible to walk down the pathway. It was a complete disgrace to the neighbouring houses, but it made me smile.

Andy Campbell’s house was very similar to the house he kept back in Domino. It was one of the things I admired about him. He kept his house liveable, but he only did the bare minimum. It may show laziness, but in reality he just didn’t let what others think of him influence his decision. Something that Ella picked up from her father.

Randy opened the door for us, and I helped a stumbling Ella out of the car. I guided her down the walkway, having to help her not fall over any bumps in the driveway or any plants that were in the way.

“Ella, do you know where you are?” I asked her, in order to test her.

“Dad’s house!” She replied.

Good, she could recognise the things surrounding her. That was a good sign.

I helped her up the path, and then knocked on the front door. There was no answer. I looked at my watch – 11.16pm hopefully Mr. Campbell was home.

After a second knock, the door was finally answered. In front of me was my ex employee and my ex girlfriend’s father – Andrew Campbell.
He looked shocked to see me, to say the least.

“Mr. Kaiba, what are you doing here?” He asked, very surprised.

“Good evening Mr. Campbell. I was at the same event as your daughter tonight. I noticed she had some symptoms of a person who has consumed the drug known as, well the drug with the street term ‘roofie’ I was concerned, so I bought her over here.” I explained to Mr. Campbell.

“Do you know who did it?” Mr. Campbell asked, his voice showing concern and anger.

“Well, I shouldn’t be telling you this, but I’m concerned about Ella’s wellbeing. I think Siegfried did it.” I informed Mr. Campbell, letting my professional nature leave me.

“Really? Well thank you Mr. Kaiba for bringing this to my attention.” Mr. Campbell stated.

“I’ll help her up into her room, then I’ll leave. It’s probably best if I did.” I said to Mr. Campbell, and then I tried to help Ella into the house.

She had lost her semi-conscious state, and had completely passed out onto my shoulder at this point. I picked up her knees, and carried her bridal style. Mr. Campbell directed me to the spare room, and I easily carried Ella into the room.

I laid her down on her bed, and took a few moments to stare into her beautiful angel like face that I had missed.

“Ella, I never got over you. I tried to find myself someone better than you, but I couldn’t. I tried to find myself a new trophy girlfriend to fill the void and fill the show, but neither I nor anyone else could see a better fit than you. But after tonight, I’ve realised you’re not the same Ella that the world, including myself came to love. Your fighting spirit is gone, and now my love for you has gone. I wish you all the best in your life, you probably will never hear from me again.” I sighed, almost choking out my words.

I kissed her forehead as I headed out. It felt like I was losing my love all over again, but this time it wasn’t my stupid fears or mistakes. I had lost my love, for good this time.

Little did I knwdef;'[ that even though Ella was unconscious she still heard every word that I had said. She wouldn’t remember it in the morning, but it would dawn on her at a time when she needed the memory.
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The whole 'lioness' comment was stolen from "A Man For All Seasons" a play written by Robert Bolt. I had to study it in senior year of high school (Year 12) and this was written at the same time as then, about a year ago.