Status: This is complete, but one chapter will be added per day until they're all up.

Legends of the Silurians: Ariana

Chapter Three.

Chapter Three.

“I was just trying something new that required more magic than I'd anticipated,” she replied, still peering into the murky substance in her pot.

“Is all this fog truly nec-”

“Yes, it is necessary,” Merlin said, interrupting me,”You know very well that when I use a great amount of magic I require a great amount of fog to dilute the magical aura or else it would be far too easy to find me.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Now, why have you come? Although, I can already guess why you're here after hearing your conversation with that handsome knight of yours, who is also conveniently your arch enemy,” she said with a little snicker, finally piercing me with her green and yellow eyes.

Renewed anger sprouted in me again, “You have no right to listen in on my personal conversations with other people besides yourself.”

She shrugged her thin shoulders, “I can't help it. After all I'm everywhere in this city all at once. Besides these ears may come of use to you one day.”

“Enough, let's get to the point. You're here to find out whose family it was that got themselves killed by Marcus, correct?”

I nodded my head, taking a seat on a huge plush pillow she motioned for me to take a seat on across from her.

“I think you'll know these people, they were descendants of Caratacus himself; from the Ordovices tribe. He killed Keegan and his family.”

“No. . .,” I whispered, my shoulders slumping.

“Yes, and apparently you weren't the only who was planning another battle against the Roman Empire with him. Your father had also been secretly conversing with him. Even though the Roman soldiers, including one of the six Great Knights, are watching him like a hawk, or at least trying to, he still seems to find ways of talking to 'people with benefits' in private.”

“My father?”

“Yes. So, I suggest that if you still want to continue your attack on the Roman Empire then you better have a little talk with your father. It'll benefit both of you.”

Shaking my head, I argued, “You don't get it. He was told that I died an honorable death in battle. If he found out that I'm still alive he'll be furious. That's the way of our tribe.”

“Be still, it's not my fault. I'm only telling you the logical and only option you have left,” she told me as she brushed her long, black, horse-like bangs out of her eyes, “And you better make up your mind soon, time is running out.”

“I'll have to think about it. Another question: how did the Romans know where to find Keegan and his family? I told him to hide somewhere safe where no one could find him; not even me.”

“That's puzzling me too. I have no definite answer, but the Romans must have some sort of spy giving intelligence to them.”

I sighed, things just seemed to get more complicated as my life progressed.

“Now that that's settled, I have a feeling that wasn't the only reason you wished to see me.”

“Yes....I have a problem....the voice has returned, and this time it's more. . . predominant in a way. It keeps on coming to me in my dreams, telling me things that I know have to be important, but I can never remember them in the morning.”

She leaned back, staring at me in thoughtfulness before saying, “I can come up with only one obvious reason for this: she must want you to do something.”

“She? How did you know it's a female voice? I never once told you the gender of the voice.”

She coughed under her mop of hair as she mumbled something only she could hear, “I may know something pertaining to this situation, but it's up to me whether I choose to tell you or not.”

Leaving my cushioned seat, I leapt up in fury as my body trembled with anger, “You may be well skilled in magic, but you and I both know I could beat you in hand-to-hand combat any day.”

“Yes, but you would still eventually die by my hand if it came to that. . . .well, that is until then. . .”

“Until when? You know something else? By Pryderi's name you better tell me,” I exclaimed, losing control.

“NO,” she nearly yelled, her eyes filling with anger. This surprised me and I was silent. Merlin never, never got angry, she was always calm and serene; I'd never had the “privilege” of seeing her angry. Now that I had I didn't like it.

I heaved a heavy sigh, knowing that this conversation wasn't going anywhere.

“You know, if you cut your bangs it might actually be easier to see what you're doing instead of always having to constantly push that mass of tangles from your face.”

No reply came.

“Oh, and by the way, I still don't fully trust you,” I said as I began my ascent upwards. Now, I wasn't sure, but I could have sworn that I heard her mutter, “It may be in your best interest that you don't, Ariana.”