Status: Second Frerard, be patient with me. I'm trying to write this well.

You're Never Gonna Fit In Much, Kid.


Gerard's POV.

"I need a sweater. I have a bad immune system, it's horrible when I get sick.."

I opened the closet and picked out one of my leather jackets, "Here, keep it. I have too many of these anyway."

"It smells like you."

I smiled and kept walking towards the way out of the apartment.

"Can't you get in trouble for kissing me?"

I blinked, "Yeah. I can."

You're only a year and a few months away from 18, though. Maybe we can work something out. Or maybe I'll go to jail.

Back to worrying like a 16 year old girl again? Yeah.

I opened the front door for Frank. He attempted to smile at me as he walked out the door.

"I don't want to get you in trouble like I got my dad in trouble."


We kept walking.

"How did you get your dad in trouble?"

Frank closed his eyes and sighed, "Don't hurt me dad? That doesn't sound like I was fucking abused? That I lost my virginity to my own father? And he loved me, Gerard. He was my dad. I know he loved me. I put someone who loves me, who I love.. in jail. I can't do that again."

I panicked, "Frank, no. Please. Just, we just met five days ago. Please don't. I just.. Can't you get to know me? We don't have to kiss or anything. I can wait, I swear."

Why am I holding on for a relationship I haven't even started?

Especially with a kid I barely know.

I mentally face palmed and sighed. He's 16.

But.. He's so grown up. Mature. I guess he had to be grown up if he was being abused by his dad.

Frank stopped again and I didn't realize, I turned around.

"Just.. Try, please."

Frank sighed, "I don't know what I'll do if you go to jail."

"You'll forget about me."


We got to the corner, I noticed a starbucks. I need a fucking coffee. I doubt we'll end up sleeping anyway.


Frank smiled, "Fuck yes."
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is actually going to have a plot unlike my last one. Kay? Or at least kind of. xD

Also, go look at the last two comments! That's what I need, tell me what I need to improve. I'll edit chapters if I have to.

Also, I'm clearing this up NOW.

It is August, in the story. The first Friday of August.

Gerard is 21 and his parents kicked him out for being gay. He likes Frank, he probably likes him a bit too much because he's the first guy Gerard's dated. The first person he has feelings for, since he's only dated girls and.. well, he's gay.

Frank is 16 turning 17 on Halloween, his mom doesn't know he's gay. He was abused physically, mentally and sexually as a child. His dad left when he was 11, he was arrested because Frank told his teacher about it after coming to school crying. So he lives at home with his mom only, who can't afford anything.

So um. Yeah.

Comment! I need feedback.