Send Me Away

Nothing seems right.

Wishing and wishing, but not the slightest thing changes. The time starts to make no sense and nothing seems right anymore. You try and change, but he still doesn't want you. You keep saying to yourself, I know he likes me. Soon you start to believe that maybe he doesn't care as much as you do. He makes you feel like the only person walking this earth, and you never want that to change. All you want to do is hold his hand, while laying your head on his shoulder. That's all you want in life at the moment, you want to be able to call him your own. You sit next to him just watching him, every move he makes feels like the world stops. When he smiles the air turns warm, and you find yourself smiling with him. You can feel the connection in the air, but something is blocking the truth. No matter how much you try to fight, nothing seems to work. Your friends tell you that you need to move on, he is not the one. You try so hard to move on, but the harder you try the more you break your heart. You sit there waiting for him to show you that you are the only one for him, but every time you sit there alone you know that he is never coming.
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Today at lunch I sat with this guy I like, I feel that love connection.. But I have a good feeling that he doesn't feel it.
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