Status: Active...Extremely slow updates. Sorry <3

Personal Soldier

Cause you are the sunshine that makes my day

By the time I reached the town center it was 6am.
Strolling into the train station, the marble floors seemed to slip away from under my feet.
The train station was so quiet at this time in the morning.
I figured that I'd go back to Glasgow, back home.
I'd missed Glasgow, I just never felt I needed it cause I had Nath to take care of me.
Knowing I have family there I knew that I was almost guaranteed a place to stay.
Walking over to the cashpoint I withdrew all the money I had in the bank. It wasn't much but it'd be enough to get me to Glasgow and put me up in a hotel for the night until I figured everything out.
Checking the timetables I heard a voice behind me.
"Lucie?" It spoke. My body paralysed with fear. Eventually turning round I was faced with a tall, blonde boy, Josh. He went to school with Nathan and I. Nath would always joke that he had a crush on me. I mean, he was a good looking boy and he was so lovely but I was never interested in anyone else except Nathan.
"Oh hi!" I smiled, laughter in my tone.
"I heard about Nath moving to London" he frowned sympathetically.
"Yeah..." I smiled "As long as he's happy"
"So I was wondering if you'd want to maybe hang out sometime?" he said bowing his head. He was such a sweet boy but I couldn't say yes then never show up.
"Aww Josh that is really sweet of you but I'm actually leaving Gloucester today" I admitted, knowing he had no contacts with Nathan's family.
"For like, ever?" he questioned, confusion on his face.
"Well, that's the plan" I frowned.
"I wish I could persuade you not to" Wrapped his arms around me I smiled.
"I wish you could too" I laughed burying my head in his chest.
"I'll miss you" I smiled breaking away, trying to make the full situation less awkward.
"I'll miss you too" he smiled and with that he walked away.

The next train to Glasgow wasn't until 12:00. I couldn't hang around that long, someone else would spot me, so I decided to get the 6:45am train to Edinburgh and then hop on a train from Edinburgh to Glasgow.
'Right so that's sorted' I laughed to myself. Pulling out my phone I scrolled through the contacts.
*Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring*
"Y'ello?" A gruff voice answered
"Hey Dad. It's Lucie. Sorry to wake you..."
"Hey baby, no worries. How are you?" He yawned
"I'm.....fine" I paused slightly. "I know this is a lot to ask but would it be okay if I came to stay with you...please?" I started to feel nervous as soon as I had finished my sentence. What if he said no? I'd be homeless!
"Of course you can!! Are you okay? Is everything okay? When are you coming?" He questioned. I laughed knowing how much he'd missed us.
"Yeah everything's fine. I just need out of Gloucester" I lied. I didn't want to unload everything onto him.
"I'll be there by 5pm? Is that too short notice?"
"Of course not!! It's brilliant! I'll pick you up from the station.....What station?" he laughed quietly.
"Central, Dad" I laughed.
"Great! Greeeat! I can't wait to see you darling"
"You too Dad. Love you" I smiled
"Love you too baby"
Ending the call I continued smiling to myself. The train was in at the platform.
Turning round to look behind me I smiled once again knowing that I'd not turn back round once I started walking. Taking in a deep breath the air caught the back of my throat causing me to cough slightly. Laughing to myself I took one last glance around.
"Until we meet again Gloucester" I giggled, a tear running down my cheek.
And with that I headed for the platform that'd take me home...My real home!
♠ ♠ ♠
Please tell me what you think guys. All feedback good or bad welcome. Thanks <3

Chapter Title;The Wanted:Personal Soldier.