Status: Active...Extremely slow updates. Sorry <3

Personal Soldier

To take it right back to where you heart deserves...

I'd woken up late the next morning.
The sun was shining in brightly through the white net curtains that hung lazily round my window.
The smell of toast still lingered around the house from Dad's breakfast. I threw on my dressing gown and plodded down stairs into the kitchen. It was good to have a day to recover from my first day at work. I was exhausted when I finally got home last night. If it was going to be like that everyday I'm not sure how I'd cope.
Liam's offer still played on my mind. I should have just accepted and went out once the boys had finished. It was too late now anyway.
I flicked the switch of the kettle before turning on the radio.
"You don't know-oh-oh. You don't know you're beautiful" echoed through the room as I started smirking to myself.
"Ahh, cant get away from the wee buggers" I laughed.
The door knocked as I jumped a mile spilling water all over the worktop
"Jeesus! I think I just shit myself! Idiot!" I mumbled rushing through the hall towards the front door. Painting a smile on my face, I opened the door. There he stood, looking as beautiful as ever.
"Liam?" I questioned confused as to why he was standing on my doorstep. He looked up, his hair falling over his face as his eyes shone in the sun.
"Idiot?" he laughed
"Oh erm you weren't meant to hear that" I blushed. "Wha-what are you doing here?"
"I'm sorry to turn up on your day off but I was talking to Matt earlier and he said I was to go for it...Would you like to come for dinner with me sometime?" he smirked.
I couldn't help but let a smile spread across my face.
"Sometime being tonight" Liam added quickly.
"Liam Payne, are you asking me out on a date?" I smirked as he began to blush.
"I am indeed"
"I'd love that" I smiled
"Great! I'll get you at 11?"
"11's great" I beamed as Liam turned away before bouncing down the path and into the car.
Walking back into the kitchen I couldn't help but smile. He asked me out on a date!! Nobody had ever asked me out on a date.....
Well, Nathan had once...but not in that way.
I can remember that day so clearly. It was the anniversary of my parents split and I was feeling a bit down. Nath had obviously seen through the front I'd been trying to hold up all day. He stood up in the middle of our English class, everyone, including me, staring at him.
"Lucie Jackson" he proclaimed as I stared at him puzzled and embarrassed. "Will you go out on a date with me?" I started to laugh as everyone around us started mumbling about it.
"Of course I will Nath" I laughed.
Thing is, Nathan was really popular at school and I, well, I wasn't. The 'popular' girls were talking about the event for weeks!
"Why would Nathan want her!?" they snarled each time I'd walk by. He'd heard their comments one time and as much as I tried to persuade him not to, he approached them.
"I want her because she's special to me! She's amazing and loyal. She's strong AND she's absolutely beautiful...She's my best friend and I love her" ...And I loved him...but in a different way. Nathan said all these things out of kindness, he wanted to take care of me, protect me. I actually loved him, like butterflies in my stomach, constantly thinking about him, smiling when I saw him, kind of love.
I never dreamed of telling him, though, I suspected he always knew...
♠ ♠ ♠
I've got a few more chapters written tonight so the next few should be quite frequent.
Thank you very much of your patience.
All feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for reading :)