Status: Active...Extremely slow updates. Sorry <3

Personal Soldier

You were hurt, but I decide it that you were worth the fight...

*Lucie's POV*

*1 new message*
Liam: "Morning buba. Just been invited to the VMA's... be my +1?xx"

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed, running down the stairs to tell Dad. My run was short lived as I bumped straight into him on the landing, sending myself flying back onto the floor. I tried to compose myself as I stood up gracefully. Dad sniggering in the background.
"You have GOT to stop doing that Luce! My old heart can't take it like it used to" he laughed.
"Guess what! Guess what!?" I giggled excitedly like a child.
"You're going to the VMA's?" Dad beamed smartly, my face soon dropping at the ruined surprise. "Liam told me..." he added.
"Since when did you two become best buddies?" I sulked.
"Since that time that he flew in from Malaysia to take you out for your birthday and you spent two hours getting ready" he smirked
"......Seems legit" I shrugged, heading back to my room quickly to reply to Liam.

New message: "I'd love to.xx"

Beaming away happily to myself I awaited a reply telling me some more details. All these questions running through my head.
"Where was it?" "When was it?" "I wonder who else'll be there?" "What will I wear?"
My phone vibrated against the bed causing me to jump slightly.

*1 new message*
Liam: "Good:D And while you're at it. Don't suppose you fancy moving in with me?xx"

I must have re-read that text 20 times to make sure I'd read it correctly. I read it quickly... then slowly... then word for word. An unstoppable grin crossed my face. Joy bubbling inside me, trying so hard to escape...
WAIT! But what about Dad? I couldn't leave him. He'd been my rock through everything. Suddenly the smiled faded. Dad was stronger now. He'd been devastated when Mum moved us away so suddenly. Me coming back healed that... could he deal with me moving away again? ...Or more importantly. Could I survive without my Dad?

"So are you going to reply to that?" Dads voice echoed from behind me. Turning to face him, his smile became a frown as he noticed the tears that stained my face.
"What's wrong baby?" he smiled sympathetically as he walked over to comfort me.
"I don't think I can do it Dad." I cried. Don't get me wrong, I loved Liam... a lot! But my Dad was the only person there for me during the hardest times in my life.
"Why not?"
"I can't leave you, not again"
"Well, what if I let you into a little secret?" he smiled cheekily. "I sold the house darlin'. Bought a new one just outside London. New start for us both? It's what we deserve with all the shit we've been through. It's what we need. You've moved on, you're happy! I love seeing you smiling... Now it's my turn. I'll be an hours drive away, tops! Do you think I'd leave you now after all this?" he smiled. I laughed wrapping my arms round him.
"Love you Dad" I smiled
"I love you too darlin'" he smiled before standing up, pulling out his phone and dialling a number. I look at him, completely bewildered as he waited for the receiver to answer.
"Hey son" Dad smiled. "We're on. You better take care of her!"
I couldn't help but smile! I was so lucky to have the best of both.
"Dad, can I talk to him?" I asked
"Yeah. Okay. Listen, son Luce wants to talk to you. Yeah. Okay buddy, see you soon" Dad smiles before handing the phone to me.
"I fucking love you" I exclaimed before he even had time to say hello.
"Happy then?" he laughed
"Any time I get to talk to you I'm happy" I cringed as soon as the words left my mouth.
"Wow! Calm down baby. Anyone'd think you actually missed me"
"Well we can't have people thinking that now can we?" I giggled, Liam laughing on the other end of the phone. An uneasy silence fell over us. Background noise replacing the conversation we'd been having.
"Nathan's going to be there." Liam blurted out. His voice panicked and loud against the soft background noises. My heart started racing at the mention of his name. I wasn't sure if it was nerves, fear or sadness. My mind racing. Tears flooded my eyes. No matter how hard I tried to hold them back, I couldn't.
"Lucie?" Liams voice croaked at the other end of the phone.
"I've gotta go" I rushed before ending the call.
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Thanks for reading guys. Feedback is appreciated