Status: Active...Extremely slow updates. Sorry <3

Personal Soldier

But the look in your eyes, I can turn the tide.

*Liams POV*

Stepping off the train I'd arrived...Glasgow. It had been a six hour train journey and although it didn't involve moving I was absolutely shattered. I sighed as I pulled my suitcase off the train, trying to avoid the gap. Looking around the station everything seemed strange, almost alien-like. Glasgow was so different to how I remembered. Walking along to the waiting area I took in the sights. My eyes scanning the crowds. Then I spotted him, Lucie's Dad.
I'd really messed up.
She wouldn't return any of my calls, so what was I to do?
Give her space?
No way!
I loved far her too much to let her convince herself we weren't meant to be together, because we were. She made me a better person.
"Alright son" he smiled as we walked towards each other.
"On a scale from one to loads, how much does she hate me?" I asked, scared of the reply.
"She doesn't HATE you." he laughed, a sigh of relief escaping my body. "She's just trying to make sense of everything. She had a shit life before she met you. She put it all behind her, never really thought about it, never fixed anything. Just sweeped it under the carpet... It all built up and now, well, now it's gotten too much"
"Does she know I'm here?" I asked sheepishly
"Of course not! She'd kill me" her Dad laughed.
I guess it was time to face the music. I had to make things right. I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't.


The journey back to the house seemed to take forever. I was nervous.
Hands shaking. Body sweating. Mind overthinking.
"Here we are son" Lucie's Dad spoke softly as he threw me a key as we pulled up outside the house. "You're on your own from here"
I silently thanked him and clambered out the car.
This was it.
It was make or break.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back!
Thank you for your patience guys.