

So you know how I said Eric wants to fuck Haven? Sweet Jesus I didn't know I was right. Eric was just clinging onto Haven and it was so bad. I honestly feel bad for Eric, falling for that slut with the tight blue jeans and the blue and white striped beater. It was depressing really.

But what I should be focusing on his Ethan. Cause by God Ethan is fucking perfect. He cleaned out my bunk, set my bed, got me my laptop when I asked him for it, laughed at my hilarious jokes that no one else gets. It's great, really. I couldn't be happier.

That's a lie.

That stupid whore is on the bus and this time Chris came with him. I have to keep my mouth shut. This tour is Never Shout Never and A Rocket To The Moon; not just Never Shout Never. But they're being all cutsey and stupid playing their board games and their tic-tac-toe. Who the fuck plays tic-tac-toe anymore?

"Ha! Three is a row!" Ethan calls out in front of me, showing that he does in fact have three x's aligned all in a row. My o's are just scattered around the board looking like a two year old was playing.

"Yeah well tic-tac-toe sucks anyway," I mumble, pushing the paper away from me. I've always sucked at strategy games. Would you even call tic-tac-toe that? I mean, the game is luck really. If the other person isn't stupid then there is a stalemate.

"Let's play battleship," Ethan grins as he pulls out the box from somewhere. I don't really want to know where, but I'll accept it.

"Fine. What's the winner get?" I rest my head on my palm, looking at him with a grin. I'm a sin for gambling when it comes to stupid games like this.

"Hmm... They have to sleep without their socks on tonight," Ethan challenged. Okay, so that's a good one. I never wear socks outside (or anywhere really) but at night I wear them or else my feet fall the fuck off overnight. It sucks. A lot.

"Fine." I agree as I put my pieces on. No way is he winning. That little bitch is going to go sockless tonight.

It turns out that the steak on this game is watch worthy since we're two moves in and the entire band (including that dumb slut and his boy-toy) is watching us. Chris, Andrew and Justin are on Ethan's side while Eric is on my side. Haven is just standing around looking stupid.

"F...three," I guess. I suck at this game too.

"Nope!" Ethan says, popping his p all cute-like. "A five," He guesses boldly.

"Fuck you sunk my PT," I grumble as I take the small boat off with two red pegs sticking from it. This is always the hardest one to get too.

"You haven't lost the game yet," Haven says, obviously trying to encourage me.

"...Thanks," I have to say back. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under with Chris still staring at me.

Three hours later and I'm in bed, sockless. It was so close. I had one boat left, he had one boat left. I had one more hit and he had one more hit. If I had guessed B three instead of B four I would be cozy in my socks but nope. Ethan is just smacking me in the face with his socks. No really. He has nice pure white Joe Boxer socks. They look new too.

"Mmmmm, look at these wonderful socks," Ethan grinned.

"Fuck off," I grumble, not happy.

"I'm going to get something to drink. Do you want something since I know you're not leaving bed," Ethan teased me. He was just rubbing this more and more in my face. It was like... I don't even know. It sucked.

"Glass of water would be nice," I say back, because it would really be nice at this moment. But I don't want to get out of bed. Because of my socks.

"Got it!" Ethan chirps before flying away towards the fridge.

I wish I could fly. That would be so cool. I would get everywhere so fast and it would be wonderful. Man, flying would be great. Though I would rather have Thor's hammer. You can beat bitches down with the shit if you want to.

Where is Ethan with my glass of water? It's been like three minutes now. Grumbling, I have to get up and get that little brat in bed.

My feet want to shrink back into my calf when I step on the floor. Never has anything ever been this cold in my lifetime I swear to God and I live in Massachusetts. Though what I saw near the fridge froze over my heart fast than the tundra.




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but yeah, how are you guys? I'm doing. Just doing this when I should be making lunch. It's cool.

I have something of a plan for this story. Not really much of a plan, but an idea. I'm probably going to start up a Zack Merrick x oc soon enough because MMM MY BBY BOY ZACK IS DELICIOUS. I have an idea/first paragraph so I expect that to be out within... next week or two? End of the marking period is coming around so I have to kick my ass into gear.

rock and roll. - awh thank you. but ethan doesn't appreciate that. :c HE JUST WANTS LOVE.

Garrett Hedlund. - glad to hear you enjoyed the last chapter. AND THANK YOU. I FEEL I NEED TO TYPE IN CAPS BECAUSE YOU DID AS WELL.