

When that slut finally left the bus, I got my ass handed to me, for lack of a better term. Apparently I was "out of line" and "being a douchbag". Oh boo hoo. It's not my fault that kid is trying to get somewhere by fucking Chris.

"I don't fucking get you!" Eric yelled at me, his hands flying wildly above his head. Andrew wasn't talking to me and neither was Justin.

Justin wasn't my favourite anymore.

"I don't get why you're defending that little brat!" I yelled right back at him, standing up from my place on the couch. Like hell I was going to take this sitting down.

"You know what Nick, you're just bitter. You're bitter because he's having a good time and you're just moping around doing nothing," Eric spat at me before storming off into the bunks.'

"Whatever," I shrug before taking my seat and placing the laptop on my lap. I don't care. Eric will come around. As will Andrew. I don't even know what's going on with Justin. One moment he doesn't care about the kid, the next he does. Whatever.

After fifteen minutes of dead silence, I couldn't take it. This little kid was fucking shit up.

"I'm out," I said before going back to my own bunk. Stripping out of my clothing, I slip into my bed with nothing but boxers on.

My night consisted of tossing and turning, no sleep and large amounts of time on my laptop trying to find any sort of quick remedy to go to sleep. This was not my idea of fun.

"Come on, Nick. We're going to explore the town!" I heard Andrew say in excitement, my shoulder shaking viciously.

"Ugh fine," I groan. I just got to sleep and now we were stopping... somewhere. I don't really care I just want sleep. Coffee would help.

"Here, I already got you some," I heard Eric's voice speak to me as I felt my bunk dip. "Look, no hard feelings?"

"Does that coffee have milk and three scoops of sugar?" I asked, looking at the cup for a few moments.

"Yes...?" Eric replied, obviously cofused as to where I was going with this.

"All if forgiven and shit," I grin as I take the coffee. Ugh best cup of coffee I had ever tasted.

"Come on, we're at the venue. We're gonna take a look around town," Eric grinned as he left my bunk. This was turning out to be a brilliant day.

Clad in a pair of cut-offs, a white v-neck tee shirt, boat shoes and a disguise of sunglasses and a beanie, the four of us were off to see the town. Really we just wanted to walk a little since we've been cramped on the bus for like a week now.

"Oh hey, it's Chris and all of them," Justin pointed out, pointing to the group fifty feet ahead.

"Hey, hey!" Andrew screamed before running ahead of us all to the other band.

My happiness just killed itself. Chris had his arm wrapped tightly around Haven's waist and Haven just looked fucking happy as shit. To top it off, Haven was wearing Chris' clothes. A stupid baggy t-shirt that I instantly recognized as Chris' and a pair of cut-offs that Haven wouldn't dream of owning. Haven liked pants; he would never wear shorts unless he was borrowing someone elses' clothes.

"Hey you guys," Chris waved as he finally caught up to the group of people. It was just Chris and the band with the little groupe Haven on the side. "This looks really cool, wanna go?" He pointed to this weird looking place we were next too.

It looked like a glass garden or something. It was outside and the entire placed seemed to be made entire of stain glass and trash. Wonderful.

"Yeah, let's go!" Haven exclaimed excitedly. He loved stupid art shit like this.

"I'm going to get a coffee," I said, not wanting to see the stupid love-sick couple make goo-goo eyes at the trash. Turing my heel, I walk to the nearest Starbucks and order a Carmel Frappacino Light and sit at one of the many tables in the place.

Eric isn't right.

Fifteen minutes later, the rest of the group comes in all laughing and grinning with eachother because y'know, fifteen minutes in a stupid trash garden makes people bffs.

"You should've come, Nick! It was so fun!" Haven said as he and Chris sat down at the table I was at. Everyone else pulled up chairs to join.

"Sorry, there were little bugs there and I can't stand them," I replied back, looking at Haven long and hard when I said "little bugs". He obviously got the hint since he moved closer to Chris the moment after.

"So are you guys excited for tonight?" Taylor asked. He was one of the Never Shout Never guys. I don't know about him yet. He might be wrapped under Haven's finger too.

"Totally! So fucking excited!" Hayden, another one, exclaimed as he threw his fist up in the air.

Honestly, he haven't really gotten around to talking to NSN. Haven has, of course.

"You'll come, right?" Chris asked Haven, giving the boy a peck on the cheek. Ugh. Fucking gross.

"Awh, how cute," Taylor cooed, giving the two boys a "kissy face".

I don't like him.
♠ ♠ ♠
13 subscribers and 5 comments? O.O I love you all.

And look, a third update in 3 days! I'm on a roll you guys. And it's 902 words as well!

Nicholas Santino. Oh yeah! You have that boy named Haven! Well I'm glad you like my Haven as well. :P Nick needs so much more love. ;c I will accept you as a regular commenter any day. xD

sacrilegiousx Thank you! And here is that update you wanted! lol

PsychoBarbie TYTY! I hope it is awesome. 8D

So before I go, I'm currently located in Delaware and that hurricane is coming up our alley. Because we get our power from New Jersey (which is currently being evacuated), I don't know what's happening. So this might be my last for a few days, possibly more. Now it's time to over-react like Delawareans do! Seriously, my grandma just spent two hours at the store "stocking up".