Status: Started(: So excited about this story.. Updating frequently! And testing it out.. :D

As the Leaves Change Color So Does Your Love

Le Chapitre Douze

The next morning, I was again woken to a ruckus.

“Ryder!” I screeched as soon as I saw him standing over my bed, shaking me out of my mind. Viktor’s face appeared on the other side and sighing, I got up, knowing they wouldn’t leave me alone. The book fell out with me and as Ryder reached for it, I snatched it out his hands. He gave me a weird look but didn’t saying anything.

“What?” I demanded.

“Quidditch!” Viktor and Ryder shouted in unison.

“Noooooooo,” I moaned in despair, putting the back of my palm on my forehead.

“Yes,” Viktor laughed. “Now hurry up and get ready because we have got to go play with my brother’s new Firebolt that he finally got. I bet it’s loads smoother to ride than my old, beat up one!”

“You got the umpteenth Firebolt two months ago,” Ryder stated. “You ride it day and night. Of course it’s going to get worn out. Oh, and you can’t ride mine!”

“Stop, you guys!” I cried. “I have headache and I’m not going.”

It was the only excuse I could muster up and hoping it worked, I looked up into their faces.

“No lame-“

“Or fake-“


“Or useless-“

“Excuses.” Ryder finished.

“Go choke on your Firebolt.”

“Stop being jealous of my Firebolt,” Ryder smirked.

“I’m. Not. Jealous.”

“Oh, yes you are, Raheenie weenie!”

“You did not just- You said you wouldn't say that ever again!”

I ran towards him, pouncing on him and throwing him on the ground. I grabbed his hair with one hand and started tickling him. He howled hysterically, as he was pretty ticklish. It was my special way of getting revenge on him.

“I’m-sorry-“ he said in between gasps of air.

Viktor pulled me off of him and held me from Ryder, as I kicked and launched punches into empty air.

“Raheeeeeeeeenie weeeeenie!” Ryder stuck out his tongue at me and ran out of the room.

“That bloody git, I’ll get him back for this.”

“Just let it go, but I have to talk to you about something.” He made me sit on the bed and then sat beside me. The air was suddenly serious.

“Go on.” I had already had enough experience with serious moments. I found out the worst things every single time.

“I heard… You…”

“Spit it out, Vik.”

“I heard you kissed Draco Malfoy. Rahenna, he’s a Malfoy. Do you know how dangerous the Malfoys are? Lucius Malfoy killed auntie Jalessa.”

Jalessa Krum was my aunt’s sister-in-law. How could I ever forget? My mother always talked about how she was a brilliant witch and was ruthlessly murdered. But one question arose in my mind.

“How did you know?” I whispered.

“Hermione wrote to me.”

“How did she know?” But I knew the answer before he said anything. Eve.

“She didn’t say. Just that… she told me to protect you from Malfoy. He’s bad, Rahenna.”

“How does she even know we’re cousins?” I bombarded with him with another question.

“I wrote to her when you started Hogwarts. You know, since you’re in the same year and all. I told her to take care of you. Or find someone that could. But stay away from the Malfoy.”

It didn’t seem like she had really given me a second thought, but now it felt like she had been there in the background the entire time.

“Oh, she’s really nice,” I said, ignoring his comment twice on Draco.

“Stop it. I know what you’re doing.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumbled, not looking him in the eye.

“I’m talking about Malfoy. Stay away from him.”

“I am. He kissed me. Forcibly. I didn’t do anything, Viktor.”

“You could’ve stopped him.”

“Viktor! I don’t like him!” I said quickly.

“Oh, now you’re being defensive? Just listen to me carefully, Rahenna. You’re my little sister and I love you. I don’t want anything to happen to you and I know he’s bad news. He may as well be a Death Eater now that Voldemort is back in power. And yes, I’ve learned to say his name. I’m facing reality. And it’s time you do, too and see what’s hidden underneath whatever mask Malfoy has put on for you.”

“I know everything, Draco!” I realized my mistake and went back to fix it. “I mean, Draco is…”

“I’m Viktor, Rahenna. Stop lying to yourself. And to me.”

“I don’t like him.” My voice shook.

“Okay, then stay away from him. I don’t want another letter that says you were with him. I don’t want you to have anything to do with him. Otherwise, the family will hear about it.” He started walking out of the room.

“Fine.” I grumbled when he reached the door, even though I had no reason to do so.

I didn’t like Draco. Did I? Was I lying to myself, like Viktor had said? He was definitely handsome. His height made me feel small and delicate, like he was protecting me. His platinum hair was so smooth. It looked soft to the touch. Every time he looked at me with those brilliant, silvery eyes, my insides melted and I couldn’t think straight. As I recollected his appearance, my heart started beating faster and faster. I remembered he wanted to tell me something before we left for vacation.

But there was no way. I couldn't love a Death Eater. It was impossible. Death Eaters didn’t love and if I did love Draco, I’d be heartbroken in the end. I crawled back into bed, wishing I had an answer to my own question.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mhmmmmmm, more Viktor because he is oh so nice.

Sorry this is a late chapter after like a week because I had a busy week. On Friday, I had 5 essays due. Not one. Not two. FIVE. ZOMGEHMAHGAWDOHMYGOD It was a hectic day Thursday trying to write 5 essays because we all know we put off homework until the night before. Procrastination rules!

Blueyesoflove I love you :D You encourage me to keep writing!