Status: Started(: So excited about this story.. Updating frequently! And testing it out.. :D

As the Leaves Change Color So Does Your Love

Le Chapitre Dix-Huit

I trudged up the castle steps into the nearly deserted entrance hall. In the distance, I saw Harry, Ron, Hermione and a girl named Leanne following Professor McGonagall. My curiosity getting the better of me, I pushed myself forward after them. Just as they closed the door to McGonagall’s office, I put a Muffliato charm around me and another one, which let me hear the conversation on the other side of the door. Leaning against the wall casually so it didn’t seem strange to passersby, I listened to the discussion intently.

”-I think Draco Malfoy gave Katie that necklace, Professor.”

“Potter, that is an extremely severe accusation,”
Professor McGonagall’s voice came after a long pause.

“No, but…” Harry went on and on trying to blame Draco, but in the end, McGonagall beat him to it.

“Mr. Malfoy was not in Hogsmeade today because he was doing detention with me,” she said summarily. After some further explaining, she excused all of them.

Coming back to my senses, I backed off the wall and rounded the corner, going up to the seventh floor. Just as I was about to turn left to go towards the Ravenclaw common room, a strange sight caught my eyes on the opposite wall. A door was slowly shrinking against the brick wall. I took a step towards it and it was almost gone. My pace increased and I blocked it with my hand just as it was about to disappear. Once again, the doorway began to grow bigger and stopped when it was big enough to go through.

I reached for the black, iron handle and pulled it open. Its hinges creaked slightly and as I walked inside, it shut behind me, disappearing completely. The rapidity of my heartbeat grew even more as I realized I was locked inside the room. I took in the room I stood in; it was the size of a large cathedral with windows further up above. Towering piles of what seemed like broken furniture and books crowded the place. Something falling sounded in the distance and I froze, looking towards the sound. As I walked forward, my knee hit what looked like a tea table and I sent it toppling over. Way to give myself away at the wrong moment.

“Whose there?” A voice came from behind a large cabinet. Perched atop it was what looked like the top half of a warlock’s body. I looked away in disgust.

“Show yourself.” The voice came once more. As the figure emerged from behind the piece of furniture, I turned away, scared to face someone dangerous.

“Rahenna?” the voice softened and I looked towards the source of the sound.

“Draco,” I breathed and just as I was about to take a step towards him, I remembered how he had given me the cold shoulder in Hogsmeade today.

“How did you find me here?”

“I wasn’t looking for you,” I said in a harsh tone, holding onto a random floor lamp for support before my knees buckled beneath me.

“What’s wrong?”

“We were supposed to go to Hogsmeade together. What happened?”

“I had to go… serve detention.”

“But you were in Hogsmeade!”

“I went after detention to go grab a quick butterbeer. Sorry about ditching you, Rahenna.” He shuffled his feet nervously, reaching up a hand to run through his already disheveled hair.

“You didn’t tell me the other thing you went to go do,” I whispered, barely able to hear myself.

Putting two and two together, I realized Draco’s plan. He had gone to Hogsmeade to give Katie that necklace. He only served detention to make Harry believe he hadn’t been in Hogsmeade at all.

“Like what?” he asked.

“Just tell me who that necklace was for.”

“W-what?” he stuttered, knowing he had been caught in the act. I walked up to him and put my hands around his face. As I looked up into his face, he closed his eyes.

“Why, Draco? Why are you doing this? Who did you want to kill?”

“Rahenna, I can’t tell you anything! And why didn’t you tell me what Snape told me?”

“What did he tell me?”

“That you’re in danger because of me. Snape didn’t want to scare you, but Lord Voldemort has found out about you. He went into my thoughts and he found out. I told him I’d stay away from you. I have to stay away from you, Rahenna. I want to protect you from any evil in the world.”

“Don’t say that,” I cried, completely forgetting he had almost murdered someone. I bit my lip as tears threatened to escape and watched with a horrified expression as Draco started to walk away.

“Draco Malfoy. Stop right there or I will curse.”

He continued walking away as if he hadn’t heard me. Thinking fast, I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around his torso from behind, burying my face into his muscular back. He tried to shake me off, but I only held on tighter. He turned around and my body molded into his as if we were made for each other since the beginning. And by all means, we were.

I pulled his face level with mine and pressed my lips to his, kissing him with so much passion it hurt. His mouth opened and I let my tongue inside, exploring it. He tasted sweet and we only broke for a second before we were hooked again. He looked around and found a random sofa, which was stained with something that looked awfully like blood, but at this point, it didn’t bother me.

He pushed me down onto me and got on top of me, hovering as to not crush me with his weight. Getting up, he sat upright and I pushed myself up off the sofa and into his lap. We both threw off our shoes and relaxed in each other’s grip. As I undid his button up shirt, he unzipped my jacket, revealing a black tank top. I caressed his muscles with my index finger, tracing the lines they created. Reaching for me again, he kissed my forehead, trailing kisses down my face, neck, and shoulders, down to my cleavage.

A burning sensation started in my core as I felt him harden beneath me. I extended my hands to his pants, caressing the place right under his zipper as he moaned in pleasure. Pulling my tank top up off of me, I started on separating him from his jeans. Just as he touched the button on my jeans, I closed my eyes and wondered if I really wanted to do this. He must’ve seen my hesitation because he drew away. I opened my eyes and pulled him back to me.

“Are you sure?” he asked with a morsel of regret in his voice for getting carried away.

“No, I want to do this,” I whispered as I put my mouth on his. He reached for my jeans once more, pulling them off with ease. Reaching behind me, he unhooked my bra, letting it fall. I grew conscious of my breasts, but he held onto me, not making it too obvious that my top half was completely naked.

Pressing my body into his, he picked me up and straddled me in his lap, sucking on my neck. I groaned in pleasure and he smiled into my neck, obviously pleased at how he was making me feel. His thumb hooked around my panties and my heartbeat quickened. I let him slide them off, knowing that the moment was getting closer. Falling back onto the couch, I let him thrust into me.
♠ ♠ ♠
HOLY CRAP! I am seriously having so much fun writing this story! I hope you're having fun reading it :P

Thanks to BeautifullyDepressed and CharlotteAHJones for your nice comments. You guys are the best!

I'm getting soooo close to the twenties so I maybe have to finish off this story in another ten chapters or so. But there will be a sequel, hopefully. Anyways thanks for reading and please comment/subscribe!