Status: Started(: So excited about this story.. Updating frequently! And testing it out.. :D

As the Leaves Change Color So Does Your Love

Le Chapitre Deux

When I woke up, I was in a room lined with rows of hospital beds.

“You’re awake, thank goodness,” a witch huffed. “I’m madam Pomfrey and you are in the hospital wing at Hogwarts. Do you remember anything, child?”

“I-I was in the train… and I got hit with a spell,” I thought hard. I could only recall bits and pieces of it. What I also remembered was the boy with the platinum hair.

“Well, now that you’re all better, we can get you sorted and you can eat something,” she bustled about, giving me medicine as Dumbledore walked in with a raggedy, old hat.

“How are you doing, Rahenna dear?” Dumbledore asked, sincerely. “Time to get you sorted.”

“I’m doing good. How long have I been here?”

“Oh, two days or so.” When he saw the horror on my face, he quickly added, “don’t worry, my dear, classes do not start until next week and you have plenty of time to make friends.” With that, I was slightly relieved. Madam Pomfrey and he helped me sit up. Then he placed the hat on my head.

"A Cresendor, eh?" A voice whispered in my head.


“No, I know it all. A true Ravenclaw. I haven’t seen one in one thousand years. Can’t risk this for anything, quick-witted as you are. You have some courage though. I can see the dark side in you as well.”

“I belong in Ravenclaw? Is that what you’re saying?”

“Yes and no, time will tell what’s hidden but I know just where you belong… RAVENCLAW!”

Dumbledore took the hat off my head, smiling at me. I wanted the stupid hat back because a million questions were racing through my head and I wanted answers from it. So I was sorted into Ravenclaw? And it had said I wasn’t a Cresendor. But I was. Maybe it was magically stupid, if that was possible at all.

Dumbledore escorted me out of the hospital wing after I had had something to eat and through the enormous school, past a grand staircase and up a tower. I soon found out it was the Ravenclaw tower which was the house I had been sorted into. Outside the entrance, Dumbledore turned to look at me.

“I’ve never been good at these riddles so… you give it a shot.”

The gargoyle asked me a riddle and the answer just came to me. Dumbledore chuckled and ushered me inside, claiming my belongings were up in the left side of the stairs and leaving me alone to face reality once again.

The common room was deserted, but as I looked out the small circular window, I knew why. It was dark outside. The room was circular with dark gray walls, banners of royal blue and black hung around the room, a fireplace with cozy overstuffed chairs and two stairs leading farther out to the dorms, most likely. On top of the fireplace, a clock read 3 am.

Deciding to rest some, I sat down on a giant blue chair that sucked me in and within minutes, I dozed off.

“Hello there!” someone yelled in my ear. I leaped awake as my heart almost jumped out of my chest. A red head girl who had green eyes and was about average height and lean stood before me, a huge smile on plastered on her face. Cranky, I was about to make some witty remark before I realized this a new school and I had no friends. Maybe it was time to go ahead and make some.

“Hi there,” I mumbled sleepily.

“You’re new, right? Rahenna Cresendor? I’m Eve. Eve Weasley. Do you know the Weasley family? They’re all in Gryffindor. I’m their distant cousin. Professor Dumbledore told me to keep an eye out for you since you’re a sixth year like me and you’re sleeping in your dormitory. Your trunk and stuff is already there. I heard you’re the one Malfoy cursed. That evil git! Did you sleep out here the entire night? Oh dear! You should come and shower and change into some new clothes. My, and it was quite cold out last night,” she said.

Boy, she was some talkative girl. But she was also quite pleasant.

“A shower would be nice, thank you. And yeah that’s me.”

I followed her up the stairs and within the next hour, I had showered, brushed, gone to the loo, curled my black mane, put on some mascara and blush, and thrown on a nice light lacey dress and some suede moccasins since we weren’t yet required to wear robes.

We walked through the now bustling common room and down the tower, back through the castle to the grand staircase I had seen the night before. I followed Eve down the stairs and into a hall that had candles floating and it looked like there was no ceiling.

“This is the Great Hall, oh and the sky is fake,” Eve laughed at the look on my face. “I was tricked when I saw it for the first time, too.”

“Oh, this-“ before I could finish what I was saying, someone bumped into me from behind. I turned around and a familiar platinum head walked past me. He walked a couple steps and then halted. Slowly, he turned his head back and a smirk was on his face. If he recognized me, he didn’t show it. I was sending daggers through him with my eyes and whether he noticed or not, he didn’t seem to care and turned back around to continue walking to the long table to the left side of the room with green drapery.

“Dear, dear. Draco Malfoy sure is evil,” Eve whispered next to me. “Come on, let’s get some food.”

“That’s his name?” I snorted and we both exchanged a knowing glance.

Even as we walked to the table draped with blue and sat down to eat, my mind was still on that boy named Draco. How much I hated him. He was purely vile. He hadn’t even thought to say sorry. I could’ve died.

I was suddenly distracted by the rustling of wings as owls shot into the Great Hall from all directions, dropping letters and packages for the students.


Later that day, while Eve was spending time with her boyfriend, some boy named Blaise Zabini, I was wandering the halls of Hogwarts, trying to familiarize myself with them.

I rounded a corner and heard a hoarse whisper which automatically made me move towards the sound. Not far off in an alcove was someone standing against the wall. It was a tall teenage guy. I knew I shouldn’t be here but my legs were frozen to the ground. The next thing that I saw made me start trembling and I had to move fast. There was a girl on her knees facing him. She was holding the zipper on his pants.

“You know you want it,” she said in a sexy way, although it sounded desperate at the same time.

This was gross! I had never seen oral sex and I didn’t want to on my first day conscious at Hogwarts. Making a move to turn around, my foot twisted and I fell, an ‘ouch!’ escaping my lips.

Looking back, I saw the couple’s attention was fixed on me. The boy’s handsome face was stricken with shock; the face of Draco Malfoy.

“NO!” he cried out and started to walk towards me.

Petrified, but quickly thinking, I got up and raced out of there as fast as I could. I could hear footsteps behind me but they died away quickly. Panting, I realized: not only was he rude, evil and mean, he was also a man whore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Some more Malfoy :)

Please comment and let me know what you think? Thanks my one subscriber!