Status: Started(: So excited about this story.. Updating frequently! And testing it out.. :D

As the Leaves Change Color So Does Your Love

Le Chapitre Neuf

His lips were rough and hard on mine, as I tried to resist kissing him back. Somewhere deep inside me, I wanted to kiss him. I didn’t want it to stop.

But I knew that something about this was wrong. He had never shown any sign of liking me and his sudden interest was confusing. My tears were still coming and they showed no sign of stopping. It was a wet kiss, if nothing else.

I pushed him away without thinking twice. He tried to bring his lips back to mine, but I held him at a distance. Both of our chests were heaving and I looked up to see him just as shocked as I was.

“What the bloody hell was that?” I hissed, anger boiling up inside me.

“You wouldn’t shut up and listen,” he stated simply, coming out of a trance. “So I shut you up.”

“By kissing me?”

“I couldn’t stop myse-“

“Just like you couldn’t stop that girl from giving you a blow job?”

He sighed, shaking his head. “Not that again.”

“What do you want from me?”

“Just stop crying first.”

“You made me cry!”

“Oh yeah? What did I do?” He lifted up an eyebrow, awaiting my answer.

I collapsed on the floor, unable to stand any longer. He stood there, watching me silently.

“Everything! You made my life hell. Then you just about killed me. What makes me think you won’t kill me now? Everything about you is wrong.”

“I’m sorry! Okay? How many times do I have to tell you? I was under pressure. I didn’t know what to do.”

“Why even bother saying sorry? I’m just any other girl. Might as well kill me now.”

“I can’t,” he muttered.

“Why?” I demanded.

“Because I-“

“Because what, Draco?”

He leaned down to look me in the eye and I saw his orbs were glistening in the light. He brought his slightly open mouth to mine and pecked it hesitantly. There was no doubt he was a good kisser. I wanted to pull him in again, but I resisted the urge. I couldn’t show him I wanted him.

“You’re not any other girl. Just remember that.”

With that, he walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


I tried looking for Draco the entire day, but he was nowhere to be found. Come to think of it, he wasn’t even in any of his classes he had with me. Johan, however, had found me and I was glad for it.

“What did Snape want?”

“H-he w-wanted…” I stuttered, trying to make up an excuse. He couldn’t know about Malfoy and me. “I forgot something in his class during detention.”

“Oh.” He didn’t seem like he believed me, but he didn’t argue.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO MUCH DIALOGUE! Sorry, they needed to have a long conversation. And I know this chapter is soooo short but I'll make it up by updating a LONG chapter next. By tomorrow!

Shout out to Blueyesoflove for the nice comment and thanks for reading and subscribing everyone :D