Just as Beautiful as You Are

A Blurry Future

"Fuck! I can't wait to get out of here." I said. The fans in the line shot judging looks at me.

"It's probably so he can shoot up." I overheard someone say.

"I'm done with this!" I yelled. "Fuck all of your judgemental asses. You don't know shit!" I stormed out of there, ignoring everyone. I ran to the bus in search of something I had been saving for a while. I couldn't remember where I put it, so I started looking everywhere:couches, drawers, cabinets, bunks, everywhere. The only place I hadn't looked yet was the back lounge. When I opened the door, I dropped right to the floor, looking under everything. I guess in all of my hurry, I didn't notice the person sitting Indian style on the couch.

"Looking for something?"

"What are you doing here Leah?" She stood up.

"Trying to keep you alive you fucking asshole!" She held up my needle, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. I felt really bad for making her cry, but I really needed it. "How long Ronnie?"

"Please just give it back."

"Hell no! How long has it been since you broke your promise to me? How many times have you lied to me and said you were okay?"

"Leah, I am okay!"

"No you're not, or you wouldn't have to do this anymore. We had a deal Ronnie. I'd marry you if you stopped this. Do I mean nothing to you?" Her voice got quiet and she couldn't hold it in anymore. She started sobbing. I tried to comfort her, but she pushed me away, knocking me on my ass. "I loved you, but you don't think about anyone else. All you care about is the high you get from this shit. Ronnie, I can't do this anymore." She took off her engagement ring and threw it at me. Now I was pissed. She wasn't going to leave me and take away the only other thing that made me happy. I grabbed onto her foot and she tried to get it back, but lost her balance. She fell and hit her head on the corner of the table. Now, she laid lifeless on the ground, blood rushing out of a cut above her eye. I couldn't do anything but look at what I had done.

~Max POV~

I walked out of the signing to go find Ronnie. I had called his fiance, Leah, to see if she could change him at all. I doubted it, but everyone agreed it was worth a shot. When I opened the door, I heard Leah say she was done, and then I heard a loud bang. I looked down the isle and saw Leah lying there, her face masked in blood.

"Ronnie, what did you do?" I asked, staring in horror. He didn't even blink. "Well don't just sit there! Call 911!" Still nothing. "God dammit!" I ran off the bus. "Guys, call 911!" I yelled to Robert and Bryan, then I ran back to the bus. Leah had a huge gash above her right eye. I sank down beside her and started crying. This was all my fault. I thought she'd be able to help Ronnie, but that obviously wasn't the case. I heard footsteps walking up the stairs of the bus.

"Dude, we called, but they need to know what's wr..." Robert walked back to where I was. "S...she has a huge cut above her eye...and I think she's unconcious." There was a short pause, a thank you, and then he hung up the phone. "They said they'd be here in less than five minutes." I didn't say anything. "I'm gonna go get Bryan." He slowly started walking backwards, then he turned around and walked off the bus. I just sat there with Leah and didn't leave her side until we got to the hospital.


~3 hrs later~

"Leah Carty-Radke?" The doctor asked.

"That's us. We're here for her." I said as we all stood up. Ronnie had come with us, even though none of us wanted him here.

"Well, I've got the typical;good and bad."

"Okay." I said, urging him to continue.

"Good news is that she's okay." A huge sigh of relief came from all of us. "And the bad news is that she was pregnant, but, we couldn't save the baby. Would you mind telling me what happened?" I turned to Ronnie.

"You fucking bastard!" I pushed him and he stumbled backwards, but didn't fall. "You killed your unborn baby AND almost killed your fiance, all over some fucking heroine?!" He didn't say anything. Before I knew it, security was there.

"Sir, you're going to have to come with us."

"Can I please just see her first, please?" Ronnie begged.

"For 2 mintues. Will you guys go with him?" The doctor asked the security guards. THey nodded, and we all walked into the room.


"I don't want him in here." Leah said, but barely audibly. The doctor had obviously told her the news first.

"Please, just, I'll go to rehab. I'll get better."

"You've already lied to me once."


"Please get him out of here." She begged, then started to cry. I walked over to the side of her bed and she clung to me.

"Take him out of here." The doctor ordered.

"I'm sorry." I said, hugging her.

"No, I thought I could change him."


~FFWD 3yrs/Leah POV~

"M.J, how was your day at school?"

"Good mommy."

"Well, how is little Max Jr?" Max asked, picking his son up and putting him on his hip.

"Hi daddy." He kissed the top of M.J's head and set him back down. M.J was a little ansy. "Go play."

"Thanks daddy." M.J ran out into the backyard to play with the puppy we had just bought him.

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

"I can never hear it enough." The only thing you could hear in the room was the news....

..."In other news, former musician, Ronnie Radke was found dead in his Vegas home due to heroine overdose. The only other detail we could get was that the name 'Leah' was cut into his arm." Max looked at me.

"Don't be sorry. He did it to himself."