Just as Beautiful as You Are

Hello Beautiful

She was totally not his type. She was a metalhead rocker, and he was my brother-a Jonas Brother...and he was totally head over heels.


"Joe, stop whining." Nick yelled. I laughed at my brother's bickering.

"I can't help it. I can't get her out of my head."

"Alright, that's it. Let's go."

"Where are we going?" Joe asked as I dragged him out of the house.

"The Mulisha compound."



Nick and Kevin shoved me in the car and took off. We pulled up outside the Deegan house.

"Oh god." Kevin dragged me out of the car and Nick went to the door.

"Well well, look what we have here." Twitch said, giving Nick a noogie.

"Hey Twitch. Is Kyle here?"

"Yeah, she's around back at the pit."

"Thanks." We all walked around back and saw the Kyles. Allow me to clarify. Kyle Loza: pro FMX rider, and last year's Best Trick gold medalist. Kylesia Deegan:the girl who's plagued my heart since fourth grade.

"Hey Brian."

"Hello Joe." Brian said, laughing at his own corny joke.

"What are they working on?" I saw Loza ride up and attempt a body varial and land hard in the pit.

"It's a new trick that Kyle came up with. She's trying to teach Loza how to do it by the Moto-X championships."

"Cool. What's it called?"

"Electric Death." Deegan said, attempting to make it sound spooky.

"Oh, that's great." She was always doing things that were extremely dangerous. I was worried she was going to hurt herself. I looked at Kyle and she smiled and waved. I waved back and started walking over to her. Right as I took a step towards her, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I think you'll be good for her man." Hearing that took a lot of pressure away. I was worried that Brian wouldn't want his little sister with someone so different. Kyle had gotten off of her bike and started walking over. I walked forward as well, scared shitless of what I was about to do next.

"Hey Joe, what's u..." I just kept walking forward until my lips were pressed to hers. She smiled, then started kissing back. Catcalls and whistles came from various corners of the track, but Kyle and I ignored them. After our kiss, I rested my forehead to Kyle's.

"Kyle, will you be my girlfriend?" She smiled and nodded her head which made my head nod as well, making us both laugh.

4 Years Later

"Now Joe, there's been some talk about girl problems. There's a rumor going around that your girlfriend, Kylesia Deegan, is borderline psycho." This pissed me off.

"Don't call her psycho."

"Is it true you stopped bringing fans onstage because she's a jealous witch?" I snapped.

"Don't you dare call her a witch! Just becuase we don't look the same, that doesn't mean she's a witch or a psycho!" God, people should just mind their own damn business!"


I was watching the live Jonas Brothers interview and Joe was getting pissed. Yeah, we had relationship issues, but it was because I was tired of hearing all the lies about me.

"You guys don't know anything about Kyle. I love her." He paused. My face matched Nick and Kevin's. In all of the years that we had actually been a couple, neither of us felt ready to say it. I could feel my eyes filling with tears.

"Yeah, I love her." He smiled to himself, then the channel went to a commercial. I sat there on the couch for the next two hours in the dark, thinking about what he said. I finally turned the TV back on, and they we playing the interview again, only Joe wasn't in this part.

"If you haven't been watching, Joe just got up and left." Just then, the doorbell rang. I walked over to the door and the second I opened it, my lips were locked in a kiss. After our heated little make-out session, we pulled away.

"Marry me." I just stood there in shock. He dug into his pocket and got down on one knee. "Kylesia Faith Deegan, I love you with all my heart. I still get those little butterflies in my stomach every time I look at you. I don't ever want you to change. They don't know you like I do. Hearing her say all that just pissed me off. It got me thinking though. You are definately different, but that's what I love about you; the fact that I am the only one that can have you Kyle. Nobody else see's you as an amazingly beautiful, talented girl, and that's alright with me because that means I don't have to share. So, please Ky. Make me the happiest man on the face of the planet. Let me call you mine when no one else can. I wanna wake up and have your face be the first thing I see. Kyle, please marry me." I still couldn't form words, and I had tears pouring down my face, but I pressed my lips to his, then nodded my head. He picked me up in a strong hug and twirled around in circles. I would love this man forever; no matter what anyone else said.
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Aww. I think my eyes are swelling as well. I'm just kidding. If I cried about my own story, I would kind of want to smack myself. Let me know what you think.

Also, since I have readers out there who, surprisingly enough, pay attention to when I update, I would really like to thank you. I will start making one-shots for anyone who wants one. All you have to do is send me a message with a character name, love interest, and a plot (unless you want me to think of the plot for you). Get those requests coming. I look forward to seeing your feedback.
