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Then She Turned Around, She Took Me Down. Paul & Princess Volturi

Chapter Two

The Cullen, Werewolves, Imprints and Elders just arrived in Volterra. They arrived outside the doors to the castle where the Volturi Coven sits waiting to punish the ones disobeying the rules.

“Wow... this place is amazing” Emily exclaimed, smiling.
“It may be beautiful, but this place holds, human eating leeches” retorted Quil angrily.
What everyone didn’t know is that Jane (Volturi guard) was standing behind them, while they were talking in the entrance hall.
“No wonder it smells, you ungrateful dogs. Why are you here?” Jane replied with her usual hateful smirk, which sent the most notorious vampires into fear.
All the humans (imprints and elders) jumped in surprise and shock.
“That’s information we will only be sharing with Aro, Jane. Do NOT think those thoughts about my daughter Jane I will kill you even if I die in the end” Edward roared. Jacob started growling and shaking, while Bella was holding onto Nessie tightly.
“Ah, Carlisle Cullen. It’s been awhile, has it not?” Sarah exclaimed, while walking out from the shadow.
Carlisle took a bow, as in greeting her. “It has Princess. I’d like to introduce you to my family and extended family, everyone this is Princess Volturi” Carlisle said to his family.
Everyone was shocked at the beauty that is Princess Volturi. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess” replied a shocked Bella.
Sarah gave them a curt nod. Then she angrily turned towards Jane.
“Jane, I’m very displeased that I had to come out and sort this out! Now we shall go to see Aro, he’s looking forward to mending our friendship and trust” Sarah said.
“God, it smells here. Bloody leeches” Embry muttered.
Sarah suddenly stops and turns around in a quick motion to fast for the humans to even see. Embry’s eye site goes black he can’t see anything but then he suddenly sees his whole pack and all his loved ones dead on the floor of this house that he shared with his mother. The place looked like someone through red paint everywhere. These were only images but Sarah made Embry think he killed them.
“Stop! Stop please just Stop. I’m sorry I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to kill them!! It’s was an accident” Embry cried out, tears pouring down his cheeks. The images stop playing and Embry drops to his knees crying.
Everyone starts looking around the room for Princess Volturi but only find Jane.
“I believe it would be best for everyone, if you don’t piss the princess off” Jane replied in a monotone voices companied by her infamous smirk.
Everyone’s shocked and scared faces except Carlisle this amused Jane, so she started chuckling an evil laugh.

“Carlisle, My dear friend. I do hope you can forgive us for the troubled we caused with young Nessie?” Aro asked as the Cullen’s and Quileute Pack file into the Great Hall.
“I do believe we might be able to mend the past, Aro.” Carlisle replied happily.
“Volturi, meet the Quileute pack” Edward introduced each wolf to the Volturi.
Aro welcomes everyone, but he catches on to his most prized possession.
“Where is Sarah, Jane?” Aro exclaimed. Jane looks around carefully and then whispers to her master saying what happened before they reached the Great Hall.
“It seems a young pup had a little taste of Sarah’s extraordinary powers” Carius barks menacingly
The doors suddenly burst open and in walks.......
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