Status: Updating, slowly but surely.

All That I've Got

Chapter One.

Frank looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. 3:00 AM. Gerard was due home any minute now. Frank knew that much. Frank stared at the TV and wondered what state Gerard would be in when he got home. Gerard had started doing drugs and drinking heavily about a year and a half ago. It started off as once a month, maybe twice, but now Gerard was going out every night and getting high and drunk. Frank had literally begged him to stop, but Gerard always refused and insisted that he didn't have a problem.

Frank heard someone fumble with the door handle and quickly jumped up off the couch. The door opened forcefully and slammed against the wall, banging loudly. Gerard's haggard face broke into a smile when he saw Frank.

"Hey, Frankie-baby. M'tired, m'gonna go to bed," he slurred, and with that he made his way to the stairs, swaying slightly. Frank watched him nervously. When Gerard stumbled on the second step, Frank sucked in a sharp breath and darted over to help him.

"Frank, leave me alone, m'fine," Gerard mumbled, glaring at Frank.

"Gee, let me help you. You're gonna hurt yourself," Frank soothed softly, reaching out to slip his arm around Gerard's waist. As soon as his hand made contact with Gerard's side, Gerard spun around violently and crashed his fist into Frank's face. Frank reeled back from the force of the hit, his small body curling instinctively. He whimpered and looked up at Gerard.

"Get out of my house," Gerard hissed, pointing a finger at the direction of the door.

Frank stared at Gerard, trying to tell if he was serious or not for a minute before grabbing his car keys from the table next to the door. He opened the door and paused there. Frank looked at Gerard one last time, taking in his angry eyes and his hand gripping the banister for support, before stalking out the door and closing it softly.

Once he closed the door, Frank slumped back against it, fully realising what had just happened. His body was racked with sobs as he brushed a hand over his throbbing cheek.

Gerard stared at the door silently for a moment, before reality came crashing down on him. He had hit Frank. He had hurt the person he loved most. A sudden wave of guilt and anger at himself flooding through him. He stood up quickly, grabbed the clock and threw it against the wall, the glass shattering into a million pieces and coming to rest on the wooden floor. He blinked at the floor before stumbling up the stairs. The glass cut into his feet but he didn't care, he just wanted sleep. He wanted to forget.

Frank jumped a little at the sound of something smashing and quickly walked to his car, opening the door and getting in. He stared at the house for a while, before starting the car and driving to his place. He parked in the driveway and got out the car, locking the doors. He opened the door to his house and looked around.

He hadn't been there in about six months. He'd been too worried about Gerard to leave him alone, even for a night. He walked to the bedroom, and looked over to his dresser. Something caught his eye. There was a picture of him and Gerard that Mikey had taken when they were watching The Hills Have Eyes propped up on the dresser. In the picture Gerard was sitting on the couch, looking at the TV in horror, and Frank was curled up on Gerard's lap, his face hiding in the crook of Gerard's neck and his hands clutching Gerard's shirt.

Frank stared at the photo before turning it around so he couldn't see it, and sunk onto his bed, praying for a dreamless sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
The first chapter, ooh. I actually wrote the first two chapters, like, a year ago. So, I'm re-writing them and then continuing with this story because I think I had a good plotline. >.>
It's pretty short 'cause it's the prologue and all, you know?
Thoughts so far, anybody?