My True Love, My Whole World

My True Love, My Whole World

Ronnie watched Elizabeth from afar. He could see that she was crying. He
wanted more than anything to run over to her, to hug her, and to comfort her.
But she was also Elias' sister. Twin sister. It would look bad.

That didn't stop them when night came though. Everyday as soon as the clock
strikes midnight, Elizabeth would sneak out of her brother's house to meet
up with Ronnie. During that time they would kiss, hug, talk, and do so
many other things that would frustrate Elias, which is exactly why they keep
their relationship secret.

Then one day Ronnie received a letter in the mail. It was about the Take
Action! Tour. They were going to be headlining it.

That meant leaving Lizzy for a few months.

The bus would be there to pick them up next week. Ronnie would tell her how
he truly feels about her in front of everyone then. He no longer cared
what Elias would do to him.

He just didn't want to risk leaving without having everyone know about them.
He knew that he was going to have to say something sooner or later.

Why not sooner?

A week had now passed and Ronnie was still skeptical about telling her in
front of everyone or not, but he knew that he had to. The whole band was
saying goodbye to their loved ones.

It was now or never.

Everyone else was stepping onto the bus. Ronnie shouted out, "Wait!"

Then all eyes were on him. Ronnie became nervous, but he quickly shrugged off
the feeling.

He walked up to Lizzy. He muttered, "Elias is probably gonna kill me for this."
Then he took a deep breath. He went down on one knee and took a jewelry box
out of his pocket. He looked up at Elizabeth and said, "I know this will
probably annoy your brother to no ends but I can't take keeping our relationship
a secret anymore. Elizabeth Michelle Reidy, I love you more than I love life
itself. I don't know what I would do without you. So I'm going to ask you
this now, in front of everyone, before it's too late. Will you marry me?"

Lizzy just nodded enthusiastically. She couldn't find the words to explain
how she felt at that moment.

Everyone cheered for them, including Elias, as Ronnie pulled Lizzy into a

They all knew it would happen. They just didn't know that it would be at
that moment in time.

You should know where this goes now.

Ronnie and the rest of the guys (AKA: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus) went on
tour. They played their hearts out. They came back home, planned Ronnie and
Lizzy's wedding. Ronnie and Lizzy got married. Then they lived happily
ever after.

With their son Nathan, of course.