‹ Prequel: Kids With Guns
Sequel: False Paradise.
Status: Active.

Rhinestone Eyes.


May 22, 2011 Sunday.
10:11 AM

Sierra had stayed in bed all night, but she was awake now because Tom was here to talk to her, he didn’t look any better than Sierra, as a matter of fact he was even worse.

They sat down in the kitchen at the table; Danny and Ben were in the other room with Tommy.

“I decided I woul’ ‘ome ova ‘ere an’ le’ yeh know wha’ ‘appened… Yeh kinda fainted before anyone coul’ tell yeh wha’ ‘appened… Yeh kind jumped to the conclusion…”

Sierra didn’t reply but only took little sips from her straw that was in a cup of milk; all she could think about was how she wanted to be in bed, asleep, with nothing to worry about. Tom knew she wouldn’t be responding to him, anything he had to say she would just hear and rattle around in her brain for however long it was important. The only person she had spoken to since it happened was Ben.

“Well… It was probably two ‘ours after yeh left. Tommy really wanted to go ge’ some ice cream so me and Matt decided to take ‘im… Oli seemed fine really he did. He insisted tha’ we go ahead and leave ‘im at the house, that ‘e was jus’ gon’ go to bed.”

Tom exhaled deeply and Sierra looked up at him from under her bangs, still sipping on the straw that was in the cup of milk. He wasn’t really crying. She just knew that he wanted to or that he was about to, and the only way to keep from doing so was for him to stop talking for a moment. He looked up at her and sighed. He was quiet for a moment longer.

“So, we went ahead an’ took ‘im to ge’ the ice cream, no’ worried at all. Jus’ a normal visit from Tommy… It was normal, tha’s how it always ‘appened. E woul’ hang out wiff me an’ Matt while Oli jus’… Kind of ignored ‘im in a way tha’ made me so angry but the kind of angry where yeh jus’ keep it to yeh self… Yeh afraid if yeh say anything it’ll jus’ make it worse an’…”

He looked down at the floor and sighed again.

“I’m sorry ‘m ramblin’…”

Sierra took the straw from her lips and brushed her bangs back revealing eyes full of tears.
Tom didn’t say anything but thought about what a beautiful photo it would be.

“He shot ‘im self…”

Sierra closed her eyes tightly and a single tear slid down her left cheek. All she could think is that it was her fault that this had happened.

“When we go’ back Matt had given Tommy a video game, told ‘im to go play it with Oli… I was only a few steps behind ‘im but e beat me there, of course. The light was on when he pushed the door open… ‘E didn’t understand wha’ ‘appened. ‘E was so confused.”

Sierra had her elbows on the table, each hand supporting a side of her head; she stared down at the table.
“I called Danny first… I don’ know why. Tommy kept telling ‘im to wake up… When Matt came up, it was like ‘e already knew, ‘e wasn’t shocked by it, but when ‘e walked into the room Tommy realized wha’ ‘appened… ‘E ran over to Matt and wouldn’t let go of ‘im. It’s like all the scary movies ‘e ‘ad watched with us were alive an’ ‘e needed to be with Matt of they get ‘im.”

Sierra was looking up at him now, and it caused Tom to look down.

“Then, Danny got there then mum and dad showed up… Tha’ was when Danny called Ben, after it had hit me tha’ I needed to call you… Tha’s all really… Then you got there and passed out.”

Sierra took a big drink from the milk glass and wiped her tears away.

“Mum want’s to take Tommy… Not away! Jus’ for now… Until fings calm… Is tha’ okay?”

Sierra nodded her head.

“Alright… I’ll jus’ get im then…?”

Sierra nodded again, Tom stood and walked into the room that Danny, Ben, Tommy, and Madison were in. They were talking but stopped when Tom and Sierra walked in.

“Uhm, ‘m takin Tommy with me, my mum wan’s to keep ‘im for a little while… Til fings get as normal as there gonna get.”

“Alright…” Danny said as he got up off the couch. He walked over to where Tommy was mindlessly playing with some blocks and picked him up. He spun around quickly to see who had got him. He smiled faintly when he noticed it was Danny.

“Yeh need another ‘air cut!”

“Yeah… I do don’ I?” Sierra smiled.

“I’ll take ‘im to pack up a bag… Yeh think two weeks or so?”

“Sounds fine.”

Sierra walked out of the room quietly and crept back into Danny’s room, she got back into the bed and started to cry, harder than she had about the whole situation, she just wanted to wake up from the bad dream already.
The bed sunk in a bit on the other side and soon Ben was cuddled up with her.

“Do yeh wan’ to take a bath?”


“Maybe later... Yeh aven’t bathed since the day we got married.”

She rolled around to face him.

“Im glad that were married…”

“Me too…”

“I love yeh Ben, yeh good to me…”

“Seems like you coul’ use it is all. I love yeh too.”

She leaned over and kissed him; he smiled and pulled her into a kind of hug.

“Maybe yeh wan’ to start sleepin’ in our bed? I mean this is Danny’s bed.”

She scrunched up her nose and nodded.



They both got out of the bed and went upstairs to their own. Sierra turned the light out and got into the bed. The room was dark, but not entirely dark; the thin black curtains let some sun light in.
The cuddled up together and fell asleep to Sierra’s soft cries.