"You're Not Alone..."

Where do we go from here?

"Ryan?" He asked from the side of my bed.
"Yuuh..." I answered sheepishly.
"Can I sleep in your bed? I'm cold." He pleaded.
"Sure, sure." I said, moving over to make room for him.

He was like a child, I swear. Sometimes I think he wanted to do more than just cuddle when he was in my bed. That would never happen. I had Z. Sure, she was kinda bitchy but she was a good fuck. But when I was away from her, I had Brendon to keep me company. Luck me, right... Always crawling into bed with me. He kept me warm. He'd wrap my arm around his shoulders and snuggle into me. Maybe it was me who wanted more to happen. No. There was no way. The way those deep brown eyes looked into mine. The way he'd hum before he'd drift off too sleep. He usually refrained from talking when he was in my bed. Maybe that's why I granted him entrance. His full lips would brush along my collarbone and he'd just inhale deeply at some unknown sent that he fancied.

He'd sneak off after his shows to just sleep in my bed with me, even if we weren't in the same band anymore. He'd start off in the spare room and end up in my bed in the morning. Why didn't he spend his nights with his girlfriend like any normal guy would do? There was always something I couldn't read about Brendon. He'd grind up on Dallon, kiss his lips but he'd keep coming back to me. Even after the way I treated him. Why would he ever pick me over Dallon? He was tall, strong, funny, and he had bright blue eyes. The only reason I knew who he even was was because Brendon would tell me about him. He'd tell me about Ian too. He'd tell me about how much closer the split brought him and Spencer together. He'd talk about how drunk he'd get during shows, downing glass after glass of beer. He'd sit cross legged on my couch next to me and we'd talk for hours. He was really the only one who contributed to the conversation. I liked to listen to his voice. Plus I never really had anything to say. The Young Veins had split up. Jon had gone his own way with a solo career. I was pretty much alone, except for Z & Brendon's occasional visits.

Brendon laid on his back, to my right, silent. Not even his usual humming. I turned to face him and saw his eyes were wide open.
"Bren?" I asked.
He just looked towards me with a blank expression. I raised my eyebrow.
I went to speak again, but his voice was heard in the darkness. "You're not alone, Ry."
Did he read fucking minds or something? I just nodded and bit my bottom lip. He rolled over onto his left side, to face me completely. He scooted closer. He pressed his lips to mine, softly. When he pulled back, he snuggled into my chest.
"Thank you Brendon." I told him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
♠ ♠ ♠
So short, I know. I hope this warmed up your icy hearts a little bit. <3 Like honestly, what does Ryan Ross do now that he left Panic! & The Young Veins split up?