Status: Main story.

It Burns So Bright, This Flame Will Never Die.

"You ***ed up. You don't get a second chance with this."

***Scarlet's POV***

While I love kids, love being a mom, and love being pregnant...morning sickness is a bitch. Especially when it doesn't just happen in the morning, but throughout the whole damn day.

Stina, Derek's girlfriend, was staying with me today, since my morning sickness was really bad and I needed help with Travis. Because it's kinda hard to take care of your kid and make him breakfast, give him a bath, get him dressed, and play with him when you're puking all over the place.

I stood up, my legs feeling wobbly and my head feeling light. I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room, to see Stina on my phone with a...strange look on her face, to say the least.

"Scar, someone wants to talk to you..." She sounded nervous, and handed me the phone hesitantly. I raised my eyebrow. "Who?" She shook her head, silently telling me to just talk to whoever was on the phone.


"Scarlet? It's Layla," Layla was the girl at the desk when you first walked into Ronnie's record label, Fiends&Felons. Her and I talked a little here and here, and she was really nice.

"Hey, what's up?" I smiled.

"I don't know how to even say this right now, but something very odd is going on in Ronnie's office. I can hear it all the way out here." My smile fell and I blinked. "What're you talking about...?"

"You need to sit down first. And you also need to think about how panicking and stress is not good for a child this is inside of your stomach." I already felt sick again with what she just said, and my heart rate skyrocketed. I sat down, and glanced at Stina, who frowned slightly and looked down at Travis, who was bouncing on her lap and playing with a toy.

"What is going on?" I asked calmly, even though I was anything but.

"Ronnie and someone else are being very...loud." I stared ahead, not understanding. "Like, yelling at each other?"

"You could definitely say that..." She growled. I started feeling more nauseous. "Who's in there with him?" She sighed, hesitating to answer my question.

"From the sounds of it, Sally."

I pieced everything together, and slowly turned to Stina, who wrapped her free arm around my shoulder and pulled me into her, hugging me tight. "A-Are you saying...what I think you're saying...?!"

"I wish I wasn't, I really do." The phone slipped from my hand, and I stood up and stumbled back into the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet as I violently threw up. I started crying, almost hysterically.

"Yeah, she's...oh god, I gotta go...yeah...please do...alright." I assumed Stina was putting Travis in his room, since it took her a couple minutes to get in here.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!? WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed, banging on the wall with my fists. "HE'S FUCKING CHEATING ON ME, RIGHT THIS SECOND!!"

"Scarlet, you need to calm down for your baby." She said shakily, flushing the toilet for me and wiping my mouth off with a tissue. "Take big, deep, breaths, and don't scream."

I tried to do what she told me to, I tried so hard, but I started hyperventilating and crying hysterically. I beat on the wall and floor with my fists, and I could heard Travis crying from his nursery too.

"Shit, I gotta get Der over here." She fumbled with her phone and quickly dialed her boyfriend's number. "Derek, I don't give a shit what you're doing right now, drop everything and get over to Scar's as fast as humanly possible. After you hang up with me, call Ronnie's label, talk to Layla, tell her I told you to call her, and ask her what's going on, because I don't have time to explain right now. Got it?...Derek, don't ask any questions, just do it...bye."

All I did was cry and scream, and beat everything with my fists until one of them was bleeding. Finally, Derek was here, and he ran in while Stina hurried to get Travis.

"I'm going to kill him with my bare fucking hands for you, Scar." He said shakily, dropping down next to me on the cold tile floor and wrapping me up in a tight hug.

"How could he DO this to me?!" I screamed into his shoulder. He rubbed my back and let me act completely and utterly batshit insane, screaming curse words left and right, screaming, "How could he do this?!" "Why would he do this?!" "I'm gonna KILL him!", and so on and so forth. I did this for I don't know how long, until I was finally reduced to a blubbering, sobbing mess.

"Derek.....I-I don't unders-stand..." I hiccuped.

"I don't either, but like I said, I will kill him for you. He will be severely hurt the second he walks into this fucking house." He grumbled, petting my hair.

Suddenly I heard another voice, one that I recognized as Jacky's. "I called him and told him to get over here after I talked to Layla." Derek explained when I looked up at him. I heard Stina telling him I was in here, and I burst into tears again when Jacky opened the door.

"Oh my god..." He sighed. Derek pulled away from me, and Jacky took his place on the floor next to me, wrapping his long arms around my body and squeezing me comfortingly. I buried my face in his shoulder, my tears soaking his t-shirt's sleeve already.

"I c-c-can't ev-ven believe t-this..." I wailed.

"I can't either, love." Jacky whispered into my hair. The door burst open again after Derek had closed it, Stina standing there now with Travis in her arms. "Scar, Ronnie's on the phone with D-" She was cut off by Derek screaming at Ronnie on the phone, covering Travis' ears. "So Ronnie knows now...I was gonna ask you if you want me to call Max to come ov-" I nodded my head quickly before she even finished her sentence. "P-Please." I hiccuped. She closed the door again and I wiped at my eyes with the back of my hands, which was really no use since tears were still falling.

"I just want you to know now," Jacky mumbled, pulling away slightly so he could look at me. "that I'm going to be right by you throughout whatever happens next, OK? You've got me, plus everyone else. You know that, right?" I hiccuped again and nodded before burying my face back in his shoulder.

Jacky and I stayed in the bathroom, not talking. Just sitting there, with him holding me as I tried to stop crying. My hand rubbed my stomach the entire time as I attempted to calm myself down for the baby. It was like this for a good 15 minutes until I heard more yelling, this time Ronnie and Max's voices involved.

"YOU BETTER STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER RIGHT NOW, MOTHERFUCKER! I'M READY TO MURDER YOUR ASS!" I heard loud, quick footsteps coming towards the bathroom, and the door opened, revealing Max, who I hadn't seen since the day with Nick, Ronnie, Lexus, and myself.

"Forget how stupid I was acting that day and forgive me." He whispered, scrambling next to me and wrapping his arms around me in a very tight hug. I sobbed and nodded, my arms going around his neck. Jacky quietly left us, closing the door again. I heard yelling going on between Derek and Ronnie, and now I also heard Jacky's voice being thrown into the mix.

"Tell me you're leaving him, Scar. You can't let him get away with this." Max whispered shakily. I nodded and sobbed again. "I-I can't...stay with s-someone who would do that to me, esp-p-pecially aft-ter telling me time and time again he....." I started crying hysterically, again, as I thought about all the times Ronnie told me he'd never cheat on me. How he'd always be faithful. How he changed, he wasn't that type of guy anymore.

"Calm down,'ve got me." He whispered soothingly, pulling me into his lap and rubbing my back in an attempt to calm me.

"LET ME FUCKING SEE HER!!" I heard Ronnie scream. A thump followed after it, making me jump slightly.

"YOU'RE THE LAST FUCKING HUMAN BEING SHE WANTS TO SEE RIGHT NOW, RONNIE, AND YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT, EVEN WITH HOW FUCKING STUPID YOU ARE!!!" Derek screamed back. I started to get up, but Max pulled on my hand. "Scar, don't go out there," He warned, thought he sounded more nervous than threatening.

"I've gotta tell him I'm done, th-though." I wiped at my eyes and opened the door, walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, where all the guys were. Ronnie stared at me, and his lips were about to start moving to feed me some sort of bullshit apology or excuse, but I cut him off.

"I want a divorce." I said sternly. Which was surprising, since my voice just seconds before was still shaky. "You fucked up. You don't get a second chance with this."

His face fell and his eyes started getting glassy. "Sc-"

"Nothing you say is going to make me change my mind. You told me, throughout our WHOLE relationship, that you would never do this. And you did. And I won't tolerate it, I'm done." I crossed my arms over my chest and stared hard at him, waiting for him to break just like I had.

"What about Travis? And our baby?" He whispered.

"Why didn't you think of that when you were fucking your whore in your office?" I snarled with as much hatred and venom as I could muster at the moment. "I won't take them away from you. But they'll be with living with me."

"Scarlet, you don't know how sorry I am right now!" He exclaimed. The tears started, and his voice was cracking and getting weaker with every word he spoke. "I know I just ruined everything, and I'm a fuck up, and I feel horrible! There are no words to describe what I'm feeling, I want to kill myself right now! I don't deserve to even be breathing right now, I never deserved you! I knew I'd fuck up something so perfect, because I'm a fucking dick like that, and now I did it, and I'm such a fuck up..."

He rambled on and on, trying to apologize, trying to make me feel bad, and trying to win me back, but it was no use. I couldn't even look at him the same anymore, I know he just got done having sex with his whore of an assistant, he made me literally sick to my stomach. More so than usual, now.

"Ronnie, just stop." I sighed, cutting him off as he continued to babble like a crying baby. "There's nothing you can say or do. What's done is done, and now I'm done. I'm filing for divorce from you as soon as possible." He broke down into a fit like I had, and started screaming incoherently. Jacky and Derek tried to drag him into the bedroom, but he kicked and punched and tried to fight them off. Max, who was standing behind me now, pulled me back when they were literally dragging him in there. His screaming only got louder, and his thrashing only got more violent. Stina ran out of the nursery with Travis, who was crying still. I immediately took him from her, and he held on to me tightly. I rubbed his back and started crying again, swaying my son and myself from side to side gently.

"I'm sorry, boo," I sobbed, kissing his little head over and over again. "I'm sorry Mommy couldn't make everything work."
♠ ♠ ♠

Thanks so much to hachie, PonAndZiFan, taylorsatiger, Eeemsevenxx, babygurl94512, helloxoxsunshine, Dezi Demize, Something Insidious, Waking-The-Fallen, Love_Me_Like_Cancer, NickMatthews, Sweethearts9, Mikayla, Katie, Haysay, and XxBabyEmo94xX for commenting yesterday and today! <333