Status: Main story.

It Burns So Bright, This Flame Will Never Die.


***3 days later***

After our little "kiss and makeup" thing, I had been wondering what Ronnie had meant when he said he was going to try to be around more often. More so, wondering how he'd do it. If he'd even do it, that is.

But, alas, I think there is a light at the end of this tunnel! Ronnie really does seem to be trying to be around more. Yes, I know it's only been 3 days since our fight...but I can see he's trying to move things around so he can spend more time with his son and wife. He's decided to take the whole week off from the label, and also decided to hire another assistant to help him out even more, plus he finished up the album two days ago, so we didn't need to worry about that anymore.

He went out and bought Travis a bunch of new toys, and he's been playing with his son every day for a lot longer than he used to. Normally, he really didn't even have the time to play with him; maybe 5 or 10 minutes here and there. Now I feel like I can't get those two away from all the toy trucks.

He's also been a lot sweeter to me. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't treat me like shit. He's just doing a lot of the stuff that I normally do when he's not here; laundry, chasing after Travis, dishes, cleaning, and whatever else that needs to be done around the house. He's told me that we're "both taking a week off", meaning I finally got to have some relaxation and time to myself.

"Baby, where's the stain remover?! Travis spilled something!" I turned my head around and laughed as Ronnie ran towards me on the couch, looking very...frazzled, to say the least.

"In the closet in the laundry room." I smiled. He sighed before running back towards where he was, making me giggle. I watched as he emerged out of the laundry room with the bottle of OxyClean and an old rag, running into Travis's nursery. I smirked to myself, getting up and going to tease him a little.

"Not so easy to watch after him all day, is it?" I taunted. Ronnie turned around from his kneeling spot on the carpet, looking a mixture of stressed and some-what amused. "How do you do this every day of your life?" I laughed, shrugging. "I'm used to it." He shook his head in disbelief, going back to scrubbing furiously.

I smiled and cooed to Travis as he looked at me, quickly crawling over. "Hey baby boy!" I picked him up, resting him on my hip. "You makin' daddy work?" I giggled, to which he copied me as he chewed on the top of his sippy cup.

"No sh..ingles." I started cracking up at my husband's horrible attempt to cover up what he was about to say, Travis starting to laugh too, even though he had no idea what he was laughing at.

"Yeah, well it's better than me saying what I was going to say!" He huffed.

"Shingles?!" I exclaimed. He put his hands on his hips, tapping his foot and glaring at me. "Well come on! I would've said shoes, personally." I grinned as his eyes narrowed at me even more. He shoved the bottle and rag in my hand, taking Travis out of my arms. "You clean that up, I am DONE!" He stomped away dramatically, making Travis laugh.

"...It is clean, Ronnie." I laughed when he told me to shut up, shaking my head and going to throw the rag in the laundry basket and put away the cleaner. I walked back out to the family room, seeing Ronnie laying sprawled out on the floor, either pretending to be dead or asleep.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Travis crawled all over Ronnie, smacked him, chewed his fingers, drove his toy trucks over his chest, pulled his hair, all the while exclaiming, "Daddy!" over and over again.

"Say, "Wake up!" I smiled. Travis sat on his father's chest and looked at me, so I repeated what I said. I saw a slight smile form on Ronnie's lips as Travis tried to repeat me.

"Up!" He finally managed to say after a few minutes of me repeating those two words over and over. "Up! Up!" He smacked Ronnie's chest while yelling "Up!" over and over, but Ronnie continued to lay there. The fun and games were over, though, when Travis started panicking and sounding upset.

"Oh, good job! You made him think you died!" I scolded, laughing a little.

"I'm alive, little dude! Don't worry!" Ronnie laughed as Travis sniffled, wiping his eyes. "Daddy."

"Awwww." I smiled and sat down next to them on the floor, brushing Travis' hair away from his face. "Say, "Love you, Daddy"." He looked at me curiously, and I repeated it.

"Uhh...ooh." We both laughed as he made a confused face, trying to figure out what he was saying.

"Love you, Daddy!" I exclaimed. Ronnie grinned at Travis, bouncing him slightly on his chest as he struggled to form the simple sentence.

"Uhh ooh, Daddy!" He said happily. Ronnie laughs, sitting up and scooping up his son in his arms, kissing all over his face and making him squeal in joy. "Good enough for me!"

I couldn't help but feel my heart swell up as I watched how Ronnie is with Travis. The second the nurse handed our son to him when he was born, I knew he was going to be a good dad. I could always see how much he loved him written all over his face, and how happy that little boy made him. The smile he gets when he sees Travie is adorable, and to see his eyes twinkle happily every time he holds him only makes me even happier.

And Travis loves his dad to death. For some reason, whenever he's upset, it's not very easy for me to get him to calm down, but the second Ronnie's there and he comforts him, it's like a light switch. He instantly stops crying and becomes happy again in no time.

"You're such a good daddy." Ronnie looked at me and smiled. "I am, aren't I?" I chuckled and rolled my eyes as he grinned proudly. "I'm gonna go get him changed into his pajamas." I nodded and we both got up, him going into the nursery and me going into our bedroom. I smiled when I heard them both laughing down the hall.

A few minutes later Ronnie came back in, holding Travis in his arms, now dressed in his black and red pajamas. "Say night night to momma!" Travis held his arms out for me and I grinned, taking him and hugging him tightly. "Nighty-night, booboo. I loveee you." I cooed, giving him a kiss. Ronnie took him again and went back into the nursery to put him to bed.

I walked out to the kitchen and got the coffee ready for in the morning. I smiled when I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind, and a chin on top of my head.

"What do I look like, a chin rest to you?" I joked.

"Well you're so short." He teased. I put the coffee pot full of water back in the coffee maker before turning around, pouting. "Well excuse me." He chuckled and leaned down, pressing his lips to mine softly. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck and slowly kissing back.

"Mmm...I love you." He mumbled against my lips, his arms tightening around me and pulling my body closer.

"I love you too." I whispered. He pressed his forehead against mine and smiled.

"Sooo...wanna try for baby number two soon?" My eyes widened and I stared at him as if he belonged in the looney barn. "Ronnie, Travis just had his first birthday a couple months ago!" He grinned sheepishly.

"I like being a daddy. I want another one." I "Aww"'d on the inside and smiled slightly. "But can't we wait at least 1 more year?"

"No! Now!" He growled playfully. i giggled when he started attacking my neck with kisses, purposely going for my sweet spot. "Slow down, mister." I pushed him away lightly, to which he smiled innocently.

"I want a little girl. We can name her Veronica." I stared at him, wondering why he already had a name picked out for a girl baby. "Oh," I laughed, realizing why he liked that particular name. "That'd be too confusing, to have two Ronnie's."

"Roxanne?" I thought for a second before nodding slowly. "I like that name." He grinned. "Great! Let's go make Roxy, then!" I squealed when he scooped me up bridal-style, charging towards our bedroom. "Not yet! No more babies for now!" I laughed when we both fell onto the bed.

"Well then, when?!" He whined. "On our three year anniversary, maybe?" I winked.

"...Is that the next time we're gonna have sex?" He asked, sounding nervous. I started cracking up as he thought we wouldn't have sex until 9 months from now.

"Yes, Ronnie. That's exactly right. We have to schedule when we can fuck, now that we're married and have a child. I'll go mark the calender right now." I pretended to get up, laughing again when he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me back on top of him, laying on him.

"Hardy hardy har, you're so funny." He said sarcastically. I turned my head barely to face him, since it was right next to his, and our faces were inches apart. "Well, no one said we can't have sex right now...just have to make sure nothing happens." I smiled suggestively. His eyes lit up and he practically pounced on me, yelling excitedly, "WE HAVE CONDOMS!" before smashing his lips to mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Funny, cutesy chapter...I think those two deserve it, yeah? (:

Thankies to MarriahShadows, xFallingFasterx, muh bbys Katie and Amber, Jacey, Alayna Elizabeth!?!, Eeemsevenxx, AkuRoku._., Hachie, TerriTerror13, PrincessxxJazxx, and the lovely Mikayla for commenting last chappie! Means a honey-bunch, as always. <3

Next chapter should involve the band and Max. :D